Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R746-348-3 - Terms and Conditions of Facilities InterconnectionA. Points of Interconnection -- Incumbent local exchange carriers shall allow any other public telecommunication service provider to interconnect its network at any technically feasible point, to provide transmission and routing of public telecommunication services. 1. A local exchange service provider requesting interconnection with an incumbent local exchange carrier shall identify a desired point of interconnection.B. Joint Facilities Construction and Use -- In furtherance of efficient interconnection contemplated by Sections 54-4-8 and 54-4-12, public telecommunication service providers may jointly construct interconnection facilities and apportion the cost and expense between any joint users of the facility. 1. The incumbent local exchange carrier and the requesting local exchange service provider shall negotiate meet points for interconnection. Each party shall be responsible for the costs of constructing its facilities to the meet point, and neither party may impose a meet point that would require that one party incur significantly greater construction costs to build to the meet point than the other party.C. Types of Line Connection -- The requesting local exchange provider shall choose either DS-3, DS-1, or DS-0 connections or other technically feasible interconnection interfaces and protocols including loops conditioned to provide digital subscriber line services.D. Collocation Rate Elements -- Physical and virtual collocation shall be offered under terms and conditions that are just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory.Utah Admin. Code R746-348-3