Utah Admin. Code 746-345-4

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-345-4 - Pole Labeling
A. Pole Labeling -- A pole owner must label poles to indicate ownership. A pole owner shall label any new pole installed, after the effective date of this rule, immediately upon installation. Poles installed prior to the effective date of this rule, shall be labeled at the time of routine maintenance, normal replacement, change-out, or relocation, and whenever practicable. Labels shall be based on a good faith assertion of ownership.
B. Pole Attachment Labeling -- An attaching entity must label its pole attachments to indicate ownership. Pole attachment labels may not be placed in a manner that could be interpreted to indicate an ownership of the utility pole. An attaching entity shall label any new pole attachment installed, after the effective date of this rule, immediately upon installation. Pole Attachments installed prior to the effective date of this rule shall be labeled at the time of routine maintenance, normal replacement, rearrangement, rebuilding, or reconstruction, and whenever practicable.
C. Exception -- Electrical power pole attachments do not need to be labeled.

Utah Admin. Code R746-345-4