Utah Admin. Code 746-345-1

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-345-1 - Authorization
A. Authorization of Rules -- Consistent with the Pole Attachment Act, 47 U.S.C. 224(c), and 54-3 - 1,54-4-1, and 54-4-13, the Public Service Commission shall have the power to regulate the rates, terms and conditions by which a public utility, as defined in 54-2-1(15)(a) including telephone corporations as defined in 54-2-23(a), can permit attachments to its poles by an attaching entity.
B. Application of Rules -- These rules shall apply to each public utility that permits pole attachments to utility's poles by an attaching entity.
1. Although specifically excluded from regulation by the Commission in 54-2-1(23)(b), solely for the purpose of any pole attachment, these rules apply to any wireless provider.
2. Pursuant to these rules, a public utility must allow any attaching entity nondiscriminatory access to utility poles at rates, terms and conditions that are just and reasonable.
C. Application of Rate Methodology -- The rate methodology described in Section R746-345-5 shall be used to determine rates that a public utility may charge an attaching entity to attach to its poles for compensation.

Utah Admin. Code R746-345-1