Utah Admin. Code 746-314-201

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-314-201 - General Requirements
(1) Spanish Language Requirements.
(a) To the extent an eligible customer has previously indicated a Spanish language preference to the utility, notices required by these rules to such customer shall be provided in Spanish.
(b) Each opt-out notice that is not provided in Spanish shall include a short statement written in Spanish either directing customers to a Spanish language version of the opt-out notice online, or to a telephone number, website, or email address where a Spanish language version can be requested or obtained.
(2) Customer Eligibility and Participation Requirements.
(a) A utility shall not be deemed to have violated these rules to the extent it enrolls a customer in the program that, based on the tax identifier available to the utility, or, for annexed customers, a list of service addresses cross-referenced to a list provided by the annexing participating community, appears to be located within a participating community, provided that:
(i) a customer who is accidentally enrolled in the program, despite not being an eligible customer, shall be unenrolled with no termination fee, and
(ii) the utility shall refund such accidentally enrolled customer the difference between the program rates and charges assessed for the lesser of the time the customer was accidentally enrolled or one year.
(b) A participating customer that moves or changes its service address from one location within the program boundaries to another location within the program boundaries shall continue to be a participating customer at the new location.
(c) A participating customer that moves or changes its service address from a location within the boundaries of the program to a location outside the program is no longer an eligible customer, and the utility shall remove such customers from the program.
(d) A participating customer that closes its account with the utility is no longer an eligible customer with respect to that account, and the utility shall remove such customer account from the program.
(e) If a person attempts to evade these program rules through a change in name, identity or legal status, or otherwise, the utility, a participating community, or a representative of the program may seek a determination from the Commission that the person must abide by the program rules, including payment of any applicable termination fee.

Utah Admin. Code R746-314-201

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-03, effective 1/8/2020