Utah Admin. Code 746-310-9

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-310-9 - Overbilling
A. Standards and Criteria for Overbilling-- Billing under the following conditions constitutes overbilling:
1. a meter registering more than two percent fast, or a defective meter;
2. use of an incorrect watt-hour constant;
3. incorrect service classification, if the information supplied by the customer was not erroneous or deficient;
4. billing based on a switched meter condition where the customer is billed on the incorrect meter;
5. meter turnover, or billing for a complete revolution of a meter which did not occur;
6. a delay in refunding payment to a customer pursuant to rules providing for refunds for line extensions;
7. incorrect meter reading or recording by the utility; and
8. incorrect estimated demand billings by the utility.
B. Interest Rate--
1. A utility shall provide interest on customer payments for overbilling. The interest rate shall be the greater of the interest rate paid by a utility on customer deposits, or the interest rate charged by a utility for late payments.
2. Interest shall be paid from the date when the customer overpayment is made, until the date when the overpayment is refunded. Interest shall be compounded during the overpayment period.
C. Limitations--
1. A utility shall not be required to pay interest on overpayments if offsetting billing adjustments are made during the next full billing cycle subsequent to the receipt of the overpayment.
2. The utility shall be required to offer refunds, in lieu of credit, only when the amount of the overpayment exceeds $50 or the sum of two average month's bills. However, the utility shall not be required to offer a refund to a customer having a balance owing to the utility, unless the refund would result in a credit balance in favor of the customer.
3. If a customer is given a credit for an overpayment, interest will accrue only up to the time at which the first credit is made, in cases where credits are applied over two or more bills.
4. A utility shall not be required to make a refund of, or give a credit for, overpayments which occurred more than 24 months before the customer submitted a complaint to the utility or the Commission, or the utility actually became aware of an incorrect billing which resulted in an overpayment.
5. When a utility can demonstrate before the Commission that a customer knew or reasonably should have known an overpayment to be incorrect, a utility shall not be required to pay interest on the overpayment.
6. Utilities shall not be required to pay interest on overpayment credits or refunds which were made before the effective date of the rule.
7. Disputes regarding the level or terms of the refund or credit are subject to the informal and formal review procedures of the Utah Public Service Commission.

Utah Admin. Code R746-310-9

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2019-12, effective 5/22/2019