Utah Admin. Code 746-200-3

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-200-3 - Deposits, Eligibility for Service, and Shared Meter or Appliance
A. Deposits and Guarantees --
1. Each utility shall submit security deposit policies and procedures to the Commission for its approval before the implementation and use of those policies and procedures. Each utility shall submit third-party guarantor policies and procedures to the Commission.
2. Each utility collecting security deposits shall pay interest thereon at a rate as established by the Commission. For electric cooperatives and electric service districts, interest rates shall be determined by the governing board of directors of the cooperative or district and filed with the Commission and shall be deemed approved by the Commission unless ten percent or more of the customers file a request for agency action requesting an investigation and hearing. The deposit paid, plus accrued interest, is eligible for return to the customer after the customer has paid the bill on time for 12 consecutive months.
3. A residential customer shall have the right to pay a security deposit in at least three equal monthly installments if the first installment is paid when the deposit is required.
B. Eligibility for Service --
1. Residential utility service is to be conditioned upon payment of deposits, where required, and of any outstanding debts for past utility service which are owed by the applicant to that public utility, subject to Subsections R746-200-3(B)(2), and R746-200-7(C)(2), Reasons for Termination. Service may be denied when unsafe conditions exist, when the applicant has furnished false information to get utility service, or when the customer has tampered with utility-owned equipment, such as meters and lines. An applicant is ineligible for service if at the time of application, the applicant is cohabiting with a delinquent account holder, whose utility service was previously disconnected for non- payment, and the applicant and delinquent account holder also cohabited while the delinquent account holder received the utility's service, whether the service was received at the applicants present address or another address.
2. When an applicant cannot pay an outstanding debt in full, residential utility service shall be provided upon execution of a written, deferred payment agreement as set forth in Section R746-200-5.
C. Shared Meter or Appliance - In rental property where one meter provides service to more than one unit or where appliances provide service to more than one unit or to other occupants at the premises, and this situation is known to the utility, the utility will recommend that service be in the property owner's name and the property owner be responsible for the service. However, a qualifying applicant will be allowed to put service in their own name provided the applicant acknowledges that the request for services is entered into willingly and he has knowledge of the account responsibility.

Utah Admin. Code R746-200-3