Utah Admin. Code 652-20-2200

Current through Bulletin 2024-18, September 15, 2024
Section R652-20-2200 - Lease Provisions

In order to affect the purposes of development of mineral resources owned by the state of Utah, the following provisions, terms and conditions shall apply to all mineral lessees/leases:

1. Preference Rights for Unleased Minerals--Any state mineral lessee who discovers any minerals on lands leased from the state of Utah which are not included within his lease shall have a preference right to a state mineral lease covering these unleased minerals, provided the unleased minerals at the time of discovery are not included within a mineral lease or mineral lease application of another party. The preference right lease is issued upon a lease form in current use by the state of Utah. The preference right lease is subject to the rental, royalty, and development requirements as provided in the lease form. The preference right shall not extend to any unleased minerals on state lands which have been withdrawn from mineral leasing. The preference right shall continue for a period of 60 days after the discovery of unleased minerals, provided the applicant notifies the division within the ten days after the discovery and makes application to lease the unleased minerals within 60 days after the date of discovery.
2. Lease Term Exclusion--If drilling operations are being diligently pursued on the leased premises at the end of the term, including any valid extension of any oil and gas lease, the term of the lease shall automatically extend for a term of two additional years. Upon written application by lessee and satisfactory showing of due diligence in prosecution of drilling operations, an extension rider is issued by the division. Application for extension rider shall be filed by the lessee within 30 days prior to expiration of the fixed term of any valid extension of the lease.
3. Cultural, Paleontological, and Biological Resources--The division may require the lessee to:
(a) provide a cultural, paleontological or biological survey on lands under mineral lease; and
(b) be responsible for reasonable mitigative actions as specified by the division. Surveys conducted in performance for another state or federal agency may be submitted to the division when the survey is also required by the division.
4. Geologic Data--Lessee or operator shall keep a log of geologic data accumulated or acquired by lessee within the land area described in the lease. This log shall show the formations encountered and any other geologic information reasonably required by lessor and shall be available upon request by the division. A copy of the log, as well as any data related to exploration drill holes, shall be deposited with the division upon termination of the lease.
5. Assignments, Subleases and Overriding Royalties
(a) Definitions
i) A total assignment is an assignment of undivided total interest.
ii) An interest assignment is an assignment of any working interest less than the undivided total, except overriding royalty interests.
iii) A partial assignment is an assignment of part of the lands in a lease and a segregation of the assigned lands into a separate lease.
(b) Any mineral lease may be assigned or subleased as to all or part of the acreage, to any person, firm, association, or corporation qualified to hold a state lease, provided, however, that all assignments and subleases are approved by the division. No assignment or sublease is effective until approval is given. Any assignment or sublease made without approval is void.
(c) Unless otherwise authorized by the division, an assignment of a portion of a lease covering less than a quarter-quarter section, a surveyed lot, an assignment of a separate zone, or a separate deposit is not approved.
(d) An assignment or sublease shall take effect the first day of the month following the approval of the assignment or sublease by the division. The assignor or sublessor or surety, if any, shall continue to be responsible for performance of any and all obligations as if no assignment or sublease had been executed until the effective date of the assignment or sublease. After the effective date of any assignment of sublease, the assignee or sublessee is bound by the terms of the lease to the same extent as if the assignee or sublessee were the original lessee, any conditions in the assignment to the contrary notwithstanding.
(e) A partial assignment of any lease shall segregate the assigned or retained portions thereof and, after the effective date, release or discharge the assignor from any obligation thereafter accruing with respect to the assigned lands. Segregated leases shall continue in full force and effect for the primary term of the original lease or as further extended pursuant to the terms of the lease.
(f) An assignment or transfer of a lease, interest herein, or of an overriding royalty must be a good and sufficient legal instrument, properly executed and acknowledged, and should clearly set forth the serial number of the lease, the land involved, and the name and address of the assignee, and the interest transferred.
(g) An assignment must affect or concern only one lease or a portion thereof, except for good cause shown.
(h) Any assignment which would create a cumulative overriding royalty in excess of the production royalty payable to the state as landowner of the state mineral lease will not be approved by the division. Any agreement to create or any assignment creating overriding royalties or payments out of production removed or sold from the leased lands is subject to the division, after notice and hearing, to require the proper parties thereto to suspend or modify the royalties or payments out of production in such a manner as may be reasonable when and during such period of time as they may constitute any undue economic burden upon the reasonable operations of this lease.
(i) Assignment instructions are as follows:
i) Prepare and execute the assignments in duplicate, complete with acknowledgments.
ii) Each copy of the assignment shall have attached thereto an acceptance of assignment duly executed by the assignee.
iii) All assignments forwarded to or deposited with the division must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
6. Lease Amendments--When the division approves the amendment of existing mineral leases by substituting a new lease form for the existing form(s), the amended lease will retain the effective date of the original lease.

Utah Admin. Code R652-20-2200