Utah Admin. Code 650-301-5

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R650-301-5 - Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Grant Project Eligibility Criteria
(1) Except as provided in this rule, all granted funds require matching funding from the grant recipient.
(2) A grant recipient's match may be in the form of cash, labor, equipment, or materials, or donations of land from a third party, when the cash, labor, equipment, materials, or land is exclusively used for the proposed project.
(a) Only labor hours spent directly advancing the proposed project may be used as a grant recipient's match.
(b) A grant recipient shall obtain the Division's approval of all labor hours proposed for use as the grant recipient's match before the grant recipient expends any labor hours on the proposed project.
(c) Donated materials and land shall be valued at fair market value based on an appraisal approved by the Division.
(4) Granted funds may be used:
(a) for the construction, improvement, operation, acquisition, or maintenance of publicly owned or administered Off-Highway Vehicle facilities, including public access facilities;
(b) for the mitigation of impacts associated with Off-Highway Vehicle use;
(c) for the education of Off-Highway Vehicle users;
(d) for Off-Highway Vehicle Access Protection;
(e) to support Off-Highway Vehicle search and rescue activities and programs;
(f) to promote and encourage Off-Highway Vehicle tourism; or
(g) for other uses that further the policy set forth in Section 41-22-1.
(5) Granted funds may be used for tourism promotion of a destination area to increase visitation if:
(a) the grant recipient is a county destination marketing organization or is partnered with one; and
(b) the grant recipient provides a cash match of at least 25% of the total project costs.

Utah Admin. Code R650-301-5

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-17, effective 8/10/2023