Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R649-3-7 - Well Control1. When drilling in wildcat territory, the owner or operator shall take any reasonably necessary precautions for keeping the well under control at any time and shall provide, at the time the well is started, proper high pressure fittings and equipment. Pressure control equipment shall be maintained in good working condition at any time.2. In any proved areas, the use of blowout prevention equipment "BOPE" shall be in accordance with the established and approved practice in the area. Pressure control equipment shall be maintained in good working condition at any time.3. Upon installation, any ram type BOPE and related equipment, including casing, shall be tested to the lesser of the full manufacturer's working pressure rating of the equipment, 70% of the minimum internal yield pressure of any casing subject to test, or one psi/ft of the last casing string depth. Annular type BOPE are to be tested in conformance with the manufacturer's published recommendations. The operator shall maintain records of such testing until the well is completed and will submit copies of such tests to the division if required.4. In addition to the initial pressure tests, ram and annular type preventers shall be checked for physical operation each trip. Any BOPE components, with the exception of an annular type blowout preventer, shall be tested monthly to the lesser of 50% of the manufacturer's rated pressure of the BOPE, the maximum anticipated pressure to be contained at the surface, one psi/ft of the last casing string depth, or 70% of the minimum internal yield pressure of any casing subject to test.5. If a pressure seal in the assembly is disassembled, a test of that seal shall be conducted prior to the resumption of any drilling operation. A shell test of the affected seal shall be adequate. If the affected seal is integral with the BOP stack, either pipe or blind ram, necessitating a test plug to be set in order to test the seal, the division may grant approval to proceed without testing the seal if necessary for prudent operations.6. Any tests of BOPE shall be noted on the driller's log, IADC report book, or equivalent and shall be available for examination by the director or an authorized agent during routine inspections.7. BOPE used in possible or probable hydrogen sulfide or sour gas formations shall be suitable for use in such areas.Utah Admin. Code R649-3-7
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-15, effective 7/27/2020