Section R634-2-5 - Contractors and Subcontractors to Comply with Section 79-2-404(1) All contractors and subcontractors that are subject to the requirement of Section 79-2-404 shall comply with all the requirements, penalties and liabilities of Section 79-2-404.(2) If a subcontractor of the contractor is subject to Section 79-2-404(2) or Section R634-2-4, the contractor shall: (a) place a requirement in the subcontract that the subcontractor shall obtain and maintain an offer of qualified health insurance coverage for the subcontractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the duration of the subcontract; and(b) certify to the director that the subcontractor has and will maintain an offer of qualified health insurance coverage for the subcontractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the duration of the prime contract.Utah Admin. Code R634-2-5
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-24, effective 11/22/2016