This change amends OSHA's regulations to reflect the Assistant Secretary's decision approving amendments to nine (9) State plans to exclude coverage of the field sanitation standard and the temporary labor camp standard as it applies to agriculture (with the exception of temporary labor camps for employees engaged in egg, poultry or red meat production, or the post-harvest processing of agriculture or horticultural commodities) from their State Plans. The states of Alaska, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, South Carolina, Utah, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming have elected to follow the jurisdictional transfer of authority as effected by Secretary of Labor's Orders 5-96 and 6-96, published in the Federal Register on January 2, 1997, between the Employment Standards Administration (ESA) and OSHA with regard to these two OSHA standards. OSHA is hereby amending pertinent sections of its regulations on approved State plans to reflect this relinquishment of State jurisdiction and transfer of OSHA enforcement authority to ESA in these nine (9) States.
Utah Admin. Code R614-3-15