Utah Admin. Code 614-2-9

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R614-2-9 - Drilling Industry - Electrical
A. General Requirements.
1. Reference materials for electrical classifications are available at the UOSH office.
2. All electrical work, installation, and wire capacities shall be in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the National Electrical Code, 1990 Edition unless otherwise provided by regulations of this part.
B. Classification of Areas.
1. Drilling Wells. Areas surrounding wells in the process of drilling or being serviced by drilling rigs shall be classified as follows:
a. Well Head Area.
(1) When the derrick is not enclosed or is equipped with a wind-break (open top and V door) and the substructure is open to ventilation, the areas shall be classified as shown in Fig. I-1.
(2) When the derrick floor and substructure are enclosed, the areas shall be classified as shown in Fig. I-2.
b. Mud Tank.
(1) The area around a mud tank located outdoors with unrestricted ventilation shall be classified to the extent shown in Figure I-3.
(2) The area around a mud tank located in an enclosure shall be classed Class I, Div. II to the extent of the enclosure as shown in Fig. I-4.
c. Mud Ditch.

When an open ditch or trench is used to connect between mud tanks, or between shale shaker and mud tanks; or open, active mud pits located outdoors with unrestricted ventilation, the area shall be classified as shown for mud tanks in Fig. I-3.

d. Mud Pump

The area surrounding a mud pump shall be unclassified unless it is located in an area that is classified because of some other facility.

e. Shale Shaker.
(1) The area surrounding a shale shaker with unrestricted ventilation shall be classified as shown in Fig. I-5.
(2) When the shale shaker is located in an enclosure, the area shall be classified as Class I, Division II to the extent of the enclosure.
f. Desander - desilter
(1) A desander - desilter located in an open area or in an adequately ventilated enclosure shall be classified as shown in Fig. I-6.
(2) A desander - desilter located in an inadequately ventilated enclosure shall be classified as Class I, Division II to the extent of the enclosure.
g. Degasser.

The area surrounding a degasser which is a closed system, is unclassified except for the vent from the degasser, which shall be classified as shown in Fig. I-7.

h. Open Sump

The area surrounding an open sump which contains volatile, flammable liquid shall be classified the same as for a mud tank as shown in Fig. I-3.

i. Diverter line vent.

The area around the diverter line shall be classified as shown in Fig. I-7 for gas vent.

2. Producing Oil and Gas Wells.

Areas adjacent to producing oil and gas wells shall be classified as follows:

a. Flowing well.
(1) Area around a flowing well located in an open area is unclassified where a cellar or below grade sump is not present.
(2) Area around a flowing well located in an open area with a cellar or below grade sump shall be Class I Division I below grade and Class I Division II above grade to the extent shown in Fig. I-8.
b. Artificially lifted wells.
(1) Beam pumping well.
(a) Where a cellar or below grade sump is not present, the area around a pumping well shall be Class I Division II to the extent shown in Fig. I-9.
(b) Area around a beam pumping well where a cellar or below grade sump is present shall be classified Class I Division I below grade and Class I Division II above grade to the extent shown in Fig. I-10.
(2) Well equipped with submersible, electric motor-driven pump.
(a) Area around a well in an open area being produced with a submersible electric motor-driven pump is unclassified if a cellar or below grade sump is not present.
(b) Where a cellar below grade sump is present at a well produced with a submersible, electric motor- driven pump, Class I Division I and Division II areas shall be classified as shown in Fig. I-8.
(3) Well produced with hydraulic subsurface pump.
(a) Area around a well being lifted with a hydraulic subsurface pump is not classified when there is no cellar or below grade sump.
(b) Where a cellar is present at a well being lifted with hydraulic subsurface pump, Class I Division I and Division II area shall be classified as shown in Fig. I-8.
(4) Gas liftwell.
(a) The area around a gas lift well located in an open area is unclassified when there is no cellar or below grade sump.
(b) Areas around a gas lift well that has a cellar or below grade sump shall be classified as Class I, Division I or Division II as shown in Fig. I-8.
C. Grounding and Bonding.
1. Portable and/or Cord and Plug-connected Equipment.
a. The noncurrent-carrying metal parts of portable and/or plug-connected equipment shall be grounded.
b. Portable tools and appliances protected by an approved system of double insulation, or its equivalent, need not be grounded. Where such an approved system is employed, the equipment shall be distinctively marked.
2. Fixed Equipment. Exposed noncurrent-carrying metal parts of fixed electrical equipment, including motors, generators, frames and tracks of electrically operated cranes, electrically driven machinery, etc., shall be grounded.
3. Effective Grounding. The path from circuits, electrical equipment, structures and conduit or enclosure to ground shall have a maximum resistance to ground of 25 ohms. Where the resistance exceeds 25 ohms, one or more driven rod electrodes shall be connected to the ground side of the system to lower the resistance to 25 ohms maximum.
4. Extension Cords/Cables. Extension cords/cables used with portable electric tools and appliances shall be of three wire type.
5. Bonding.
a. Conductors used for bonding and grounding stationary and moveable equipment shall be of ample size to carry the anticipated current.
b. When attaching bonding and grounding clamps or clips, secure and positive metal-to-metal contact shall be made.
6. Temporary Wiring. All temporary wiring shall be shall be grounded.
D. Overcurrent Protection.
1. Overcurrent protection shall be provided by fuses or circuit breakers for each feed and branch circuit, and shall be based on the current-carrying capacity of the conductors supplied and the power load being used.
2. No overcurrent device shall be placed in any permanently grounded conductor, except where the overcurrent device simultaneously opens all conductors of the circuit or for motor running protection.
3. When fuses are installed or removed with one or both terminals energized, special tools insulated for the voltage shall be used.
E. Switches, Circuit Breakers, and Disconnecting Means.
1. Each disconnecting means for motors and appliances, and each service feeder or branch circuit at the point where it originates, shall be legibly marked to indicate its purpose unless located and arranged so the purpose is evident.
2. Disconnecting means shall be located or shielded so that employees will not be injured.
F. Lockouts and/or Tagging.

Where there is danger of machinery being started or electrical circuits being energized while repairs or maintenance work is being done, the electrical circuits shall be locked open and/or tagged. Where there is danger of machinery being started or of steam or air creating a hazard to workers while repairs or maintenance work is being done, the employees shall disconnect the lines or lock and tag the main valve closed or blank the line on all steam driven machinery, air driven machinery, pressurized lines or lines connected to such equipment if they would create a hazard to workers.

G. Electrical Equipment Installation and Maintenance.
1. General Requirements
a. Where different voltages, frequencies, or types of current (A.C. or D.C.) are to be supplied by portable cords, receptacles shall be of such design that attachment plugs used on such circuits are not interchangeable.
b. Attachment plugs or other connectors supplying equipment at more than 300 volts shall be of the skirted type or otherwise so designed that arcs will be confined.
c. Cable/cords passing through work areas shall be covered or elevated to protect it from damage which would create a hazard to employees.
d. Worn or frayed electric cables/cords shall not be used.
e. Extension cords/cables shall not be fastened with staples, hung from nails, or suspended by wire.
2. Facilities and Equipment.
a. Light plant generator shall have an adequate overload safety device.
b. All light cords and plug-ins shall be kept in good condition.
c. Rig lights shall be of an approved type for the area in which they are located.
d. Lamps and reflectors shall be cleaned frequently.
e. The rays of light shall be directed toward the objects to be illuminated, and away from the eyes of the worker.
3. Wiring and Electrical Equipment Permissible in Class I, Division II areas.
a. Wiring shall employ: Rigid threaded conduits, lead covered armoured cable, Type SO, SOW, STW, STO, GGW, W, Diesel Locomotive, or equivalent cable with approved connectors (vapor proof).
b. Electrical equipment including fixtures, plugs, receptacles, fittings and enclosures for switches and controllers shall be sealed and gasketted or totally enclosed gasketted with threaded hubs (vapor proof).
c. Motors: All A.C. motors shall be totally enclosed, fan-cooled type (TEFC) or equivalent. D.C. motors located in Class I, Division II areas will be purged (cooled) with air from a safe source.

Utah Admin. Code R614-2-9