Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R614-2-20 - Drilling Industry - Safety Procedures for Air and Gas DrillingA. Drilling compressors (air or gas) shall be located at least 150 feet from the wellbore and in a direction away from the discharge or blooie line.B. The air or gas discharge line (blooie line) shall be laid in as nearly a straight line as possible from the drilling head. It must be at least 150 feet in length. This discharge line shall be securely coupled and anchored to prevent movement. It shall be laid into a discharge pipe in such a direction from the wellbore as to allow prevailing winds to carry produced or circulated gas away from the rig.C. All combustible material shall be kept at least 100 feet away from the discharge line.D. The air line from the compressors to the standpipe shall be of adequate strength to withstand at least the maximum discharge pressure of the compressors used, and shall be checked daily by the compressor operator for any evidence of damage or weakness.E. All cars, trucks, house trailers, etc., shall be parked at least 75 feet from the wellbore, except when delivering equipment or supplies.F. Smoking shall not be allowed within 75 feet of the drilling rig while drilling air or gas.G. Designated employees shall be shown and taught how to use control units and the blowout preventer and all fire fighting equipment.H. Designated employees shall be shown and taught how to use the emergency shut-off equipment during gas drilling.I. All pipe connections carrying gas or air to or from the wellbore shall be made up tightly. All lines and connections shall be frequently checked for leaks.J. In the case of gas drilling, a shut-off valve shall be installed on the main feeder line at least 150 feet from the wellbore; in the case of air drilling, the shut-off valve shall be located near the compressors.K. When making a connection, the standpipe valve shall be closed and the bleed-off line shall be open before breaking a tool joint.L. One Class B-C fire extinguisher of at least 150 lbs. dry chemical capacity or equivalent shall be stationed on the job in addition to 4-20# capacity, or their equivalent, fire extinguishers with a Class B-C rating.Utah Admin. Code R614-2-20