Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R614-2-11 - Drilling Industry - Walking, Working SurfacesA. Guardrails, Handrails and Covers. 1. Guarding of Floor Openings and Floor Holes. Floor openings and floor holes shall be guarded by a standard railing and toeboards and/or cover.
2. Guarding of Wall Openings. Wall openings from which there is a drop of more than 4 feet shall be guarded.
3. Guarding of Open-Sided Floors, Platforms, and Runways a. Every open-sided floor or platform 4 feet or more above adjacent floor or ground level shall be guarded by a standard railing, or equivalent.b. Standard railing shall be provided on the inside of all mud tank runways unless other means are available to prevent an employee from falling into the mud tanks.c. Regardless of height, open-sided floors, walkways, platforms, or runways above or adjacent to dangerous equipment and similar hazards shall be guarded with a standard railing and toeboard.4. Stairway Railings and Guards. Every flight of stairs having four or more risers shall be equipped with standard stair railings on open sides.
B. Floors, Stairways, and Platforms.1. Floors, stairways, and platforms shall be free of dangerous projections or obstructions and shall be maintained in good repair and reasonably free from oil, grease, water, or other materials of similar nature. Where the type of operation necessitates working on slippery floor areas, such surfaces shall be protected against slipping by the use of mats, grates, cleats, or other methods to provide reasonable protection.2. Each corner of a crown block shall be securely bolted or welded to the mast or derrick.3. Each finger of a finger board shall be bolted or welded to its support beam.4. Any temporary stabbing board or other temporary boards placed in the derrick shall be securely fastened.5. On all derricks, ladder platforms shall be installed adjacent to, and shall provide safe access to the work platforms.6. Ladder platforms are to be located at the crown of all drilling rigs.7. With the exception of the stabbing board and derrick board, every platform erected on the inside of a derrick shall completely cover the space from the working edge of the platform back to the legs and girts of the derrick.C. Exits, Access, and Egress. 1. Exits shall be provided to the outside on at least 3 sides of the derrick floor.2. All work stations shall have two means of egress, except for hopper house.3. No exit door of the derrick floor, including all doors of the doghouse, shall be held closed with a lock or outside latch while anyone is on the derrick floor.4. No employee shall slide down any pipe, kelly hose, cable, or rope line except in the event of an extreme emergency.5. No employee shall use the catline as a means of ascending to or descending from any point in the derrick except in an emergency. Even then, the rotary table shall be locked out and qualified employees shall operate the cathead and controls.Utah Admin. Code R614-2-11