Utah Admin. Code 590-85-4

Current through Bulletin 2024-19, October 1, 2024
Section R590-85-4 - General Requirements
(1) When a Rate Filing is Required.
(a) Every filing for a policy, certificate, or endorsement affecting benefits shall be accompanied by a rate filing that complies with this rule.
(b) A rate filing is not required for an endorsement that has no rating effect.
(c) Any subsequent addition to or change in rates applicable to the policy, certificate, or endorsement shall also be filed prior to use.
(2) General Contents of All Rate Filings. Each rate submission shall include:
(a) rate sheets for current and proposed rates, if applicable, that are clearly identified;
(b) an actuarial memorandum describing the basis on which rates were determined, which includes:
(i) description of the policy, benefits, renewability, general marketing methods, and issue age limits;
(ii) description of how rates were determined, including a general description and source of each assumption used;
(iii) estimated average annual premium per policy for Utah;
(iv) anticipated loss ratio, including interest, of the present value of the expected benefits to the present value of the expected premiums over the entire period for which rates are computed to provide coverage;
(v) minimum anticipated loss ratio presumed reasonable in Subsection R590-85-5(1); and
(vi) signed certification by a qualified actuary stating that, to the best of the actuary's knowledge and judgment, the rate filing is in compliance with the applicable laws and rules of Utah and the benefits are reasonable in relation to the premiums charged; and
(c) a statement that the rates have been filed with and approved by the home state, except as provided in Subsection (3).
(3) If the home state does not require approval, then alternative information must be submitted, including:
(i) a list of the states to which the rates were submitted;
(ii) the date submitted; and
(iii) any responses received.
(4) Previously Filed Form. Filing a rate change for a previously filed rate shall include the following:
(a) a statement of the scope and reason for the change;
(b) a description of how revised rates were determined, including a general description and source of each assumption used;
(c) an estimated average annual premium per policy in Utah, before and after the proposed rate increase;
(d) a comparison of Utah and average nationwide premiums, for representative rating cells based on the Utah distribution of business;
(e) a comparison of revised premiums with current scale;
(f) a statement as to whether the filing applies to new business, in-force business, or both, and the reasons;
(g) a detailed history of national experience, which includes the data in Subsection (5) that shows on a yearly and durational basis:
(i) premiums received;
(ii) earned premiums;
(iii) benefits paid;
(iv) incurred benefits;
(v) increase in active life reserves;
(vi) increase in claim reserves;
(vii) incurred loss ratio;
(viii) cumulative loss ratio; and
(ix) any other available data the insurer may wish to provide;
(h) detailed history of Utah experience, which includes the data in Subsection (5) that shows on a yearly basis:
(i) earned premiums;
(ii) incurred benefits;
(iii) incurred loss ratio; and
(iv) cumulative loss ratio;
(i) anticipated nationwide future loss ratio, which includes:
(i) projected premiums;
(ii) projected claims;
(iii) projected loss ratio; and
(iv) assumptions and calculations that include interest;
(j) anticipated Utah future loss ratio, which includes:
(i) projected premiums;
(ii) projected claims;
(iii) projected loss ratio; and
(iv) description of assumptions and calculations that include interest;
(k) cumulative past and projected future loss ratio and description of the calculation;
(l) the number of policyholders in Utah; and
(m) the date and magnitude of all previous rate changes for Utah and nationwide.
(5) Experience Records.
(a) As required by the Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit, an insurer shall maintain records of premiums collected, earned premiums, benefits paid, incurred benefits and reserves for each calendar year for each policy form, and applicable endorsements.
(i) Separate data may be maintained for each endorsement to the extent appropriate.
(ii) Experience under policies that provide substantially similar coverage may be combined.
(iii) The data shall be for all years of issue combined, for each calendar year of experience since the year the form was first issued.
(b) A rate revision must provide the information required in Subsection (5)(a) on both a national and a state basis.
(6) Evaluating Experience Data. In determining the credibility and appropriateness of experience data, all relevant factors shall be considered, including:
(a) statistical credibility of premiums and benefits, for example low exposure or low loss frequency;
(b) experience and projected trends relative to the kind of coverage, for example persistency, inflation in medical expenses, or economic cycles affecting disability income experience;
(c) concentration of experience at early policy durations where select morbidity and preliminary term reserves are applicable and where loss ratios are expected to be substantially lower than at later policy durations; and
(d) the mix of business by risk classification.
(7) Implementation of a filed rate increase must be initiated within 12 months from the filed date, otherwise a company forfeits the right to implement the increase.
(8) A filing may be rejected or prohibited if the company fails to submit all required information.

Utah Admin. Code R590-85-4

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2021-07, effective 3/11/2021
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2021-22, effective 11/8/2021