Utah Admin. Code 590-148-12

Current through Bulletin 2024-20, October 15, 2024
Section R590-148-12 - Applications, Enrollment and Replacement of Coverage
(1) All applications for long-term care insurance policies or certificates except those which are guaranteed issue shall contain clear and unambiguous questions designed to ascertain the health condition of the applicant.
(a) If an application for long-term care insurance contains a question which asks whether the applicant has had medication prescribed by a physician, it must also ask the applicant to list the medication that has been prescribed.
(b) If the medications listed in the application were known by the insurer, or should have been known at the time of application, to be directly related to a medical condition for which coverage would otherwise be denied, then the policy or certificate may not be rescinded for that condition.
(3) All applications shall clearly indicate the payment plan selected by the applicant.
(4) Except for policies or certificates which are guaranteed issue:
(a) the following language shall be set out conspicuously and in close conjunction with the applicant's signature block on an application for a long-term care insurance policy or certificate:

Caution: If your answers on this application are incorrect or untrue, (company) has the right to deny benefits or rescind your policy.

(b) the following language, or language substantially similar to the following, shall be set out conspicuously on the long-term care insurance policy or certificate at the time of delivery:

Caution: The issuance of this long-term care insurance (policy) (certificate) was based upon your responses to the questions on your application. A copy of your (application) (enrollment form) (is enclosed) (was retained by you when you applied). If your answers are incorrect or untrue, the company has the right to deny benefits or rescind your policy. The best time to clear up any questions is now, before a claim arises! If, for any reason, any of your answers are incorrect, contact the company at this address: (insert address)

(5) Prior to issuance of a long-term care policy or certificate to an applicant age 80 or older, the insurer shall obtain one of the following:
(a) a report of a physical examination;
(b) an assessment of functional capacity;
(c) an attending physician's statement; or
(d) copies of medical records.
(6) A copy of the completed application or enrollment form, whichever is applicable, shall be delivered to the insured no later than at the time of delivery of the policy or certificate unless it was retained by the applicant at the time of application.
(7) Application forms shall include the following questions designed to elicit information as to whether, as of the date of the application, the applicant has another long-term care insurance policy or certificate in force or whether a long-term care policy or certificate is intended to replace any other accident and sickness or long-term care policy or certificate presently in force. A supplementary application or other form to be signed by the applicant and agent, except where the coverage is sold without an agent, containing these questions may be used. With regard to a replacement policy issued to a group, other than employee and labor union groups, the following questions may be modified only to the extent necessary to elicit information about health or long-term care insurance policies other than the group policy being replaced; provided, however, that the certificateholder has been notified of the replacement.
(a) Do you have another long-term care insurance policy or certificate in force, including health care service contract, health maintenance organization contract?
(b) Did you have another long-term care insurance policy or certificate in force during the last 12 months?
(i) If so, with which company?
(ii) If that policy lapsed, when did it lapse?
(c) Are you covered by Medicaid?
(d) Do you intend to replace any of your medical or health insurance coverage with this policy/certificate?
(8) Agents shall list any other health insurance policies they have sold to the applicant.
(a) List policies sold which are still in force.
(b) List policies sold in the past five years which are no longer in force.
(9) Solicitations Other than Direct Response. Upon determining that a sale will involve replacement, an insurer; other than an insurer using direct response solicitation methods, or its agent; shall furnish the applicant, prior to issuance or delivery of the individual long-term care insurance policy, a notice regarding replacement of accident and sickness or long-term care coverage. One copy of this notice shall be retained by the applicant and an additional copy signed by the applicant shall be retained by the insurer. The required notice shall be provided in the manner detailed in Table I, Notice to Applicant Regarding Replacement of Individual Accident and Sickness or Long-Term Care Insurance.
(10) Direct Response Solicitations. Insurers using direct response solicitation methods shall deliver a notice regarding replacement of accident and sickness or long-term care coverage to the applicant upon issuance of the policy. The required notice shall be provided in the manner detailed in Table II, Notice to Applicant Regarding Replacement of Accident and Sickness or Long-Term Care Insurance.
(11) Where replacement is intended, the replacing insurer shall notify, in writing, the existing insurer of the proposed replacement. The existing policy shall be identified by the insurer, name of the insured and policy number or address including zip code. The notice shall be made within five working days from the date the application is received by the insurer or the date the policy is issued, whichever is sooner.
(12) Life insurance policies and certificates that provide benefits for long-term care shall comply with this section if the policy being replaced is a long-term care insurance policy. If the policy being replaced is a life insurance policy, the insurer shall comply with the replacement requirements of R590-93, Replacement of Life Insurance and Annuities. If a life insurance policy that provide benefits for long-term care is replaced by another such policy, the replacing insurer shall comply with both the long-term care and the life insurance replacement requirements.
(13) Electronic Enrollment for Group Policies:
(a) In the case of a group policy, any requirement that a signature of an insured be obtained by an agent or insurer shall be deemed satisfied if:
(i) the consent is obtained by telephonic or electronic enrollment by the group policyholder or insurer. A verification of enrollment information shall be provided to the enrollee;
(ii) the telephonic or electronic enrollment provides necessary and reasonable safeguards to assure the accuracy, retention and prompt retrieval of records; and
(iii) the telephonic or electronic enrollment provides necessary and reasonable safeguards to assure the confidentiality of individually identifiable information and "privileged information" as defined by the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act, Section 63G-2-202, is maintained.
(b) The insurer shall make available, upon request of the commissioner, records that will demonstrate the insurer's ability to confirm enrollment and coverage amounts.

Utah Admin. Code R590-148-12