Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R510-105-4 - Award of Funds(1) An application to be awarded funds from the Out and About Transportation Fund shall be submitted to the State Board on Aging and Adult Services.(2) The State Board on Aging and Adult Services shall evaluate an application based upon the following criteria: (a) the amount of matching funding committed by the applicant as compared to the total amount of funds available;(b) the projected number of individuals the applicant estimates can be assisted by the requested funding as compared to the number of eligible individuals in the geographic area to be served; and(c) the degree to which the applicant's proposal develops a new, ongoing source of transportation assistance that is not already available.(3) The State Board on Aging and Adult Services shall not presume the availability of ongoing funding from the Out and About Transportation Fund to support the applicant's proposal when evaluating an application.(4) The State Board on Aging and Adult Services shall approve any award of funds from the Out and About Transportation Fund. An award of funds shall be implemented through a contract between the division and the recipient of the funds.(5) Funds from the Out and About Transportation Fund shall be awarded on an annual basis, effective on July 1 of each fiscal y e a r. Any recipient of funds shall spend all funds by the end of the fiscal year in which the funds were awarded.(6) The State Board on Aging and Adult services may decline to award any funds from the Out and About Transportation Fund if it determines that insufficient funds are available to reasonably fund a viable contract for that fiscal year. Funds not awarded during a fiscal year shall be available for award in the next fiscal year.Utah Admin. Code R510-105-4
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2022-09, effective 4/12/2022