Utah Admin. Code 436-13-2

Current through Bulletin 2024-17, September 1, 2024
Section R436-13-2 - Integrity of Vital Records

To protect the integrity of vital records:

(1) The State Registrar and other custodians of vital records may not permit inspection of, or disclose information contained in vital statistics records, or copy or issue a copy of all or part of any such record, unless the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in such record. In addition to the definition of direct, tangible, and legitimate interest as defined in Section 26B-8-125, those who may or may not have a direct and tangible interest are as follows:
(a) The registrant, a member of the immediate family, the guardian, or a designated legal representative shall be considered to have a direct and tangible interest. Others may demonstrate a direct and tangible interest when information is needed for determination or protection of a personal or property right.
(b) The natural parents of adopted children, when neither has custody, may not be considered to have a direct and tangible interest.
(c) Commercial firms or agencies requesting listings of names and addresses may not be considered to have a direct and tangible interest.
(2) The State Registrar may provide copies of certificates or disclose data from vital statistics records to federal, state, county, or municipal agencies of government requesting such data in the conduct of their official duties. Certificate copies or individual identifiable information may not be given by the receiving government agency to other agencies or individuals or used for purposes not authorized at the time of the request.
(3) The State Registrar or local custodian may not issue a certified copy of a record until an online or signed paper application has been received from the applicant.
(4) When determining whether a genealogist under Subsection 26B-8-125(1)(a) has demonstrated a direct, legitimate, and tangible interest in a record, the custodian of vital records may consider various relevant factors including the following:
(a) the genealogist shares a common ancestor with the subject of the vital record, the subject is deceased, and the subject has no living immediate family;
(b) the genealogist's stated interest in the vital record;
(c) inability to find information sought in the vital record from other sources; or
(d) the genealogist can provide a written contract for professional genealogical services on behalf of the subject or the subject's immediate family members.
(5) Nothing in this rule shall be construed to permit disclosure of information contained in the "Information for Medical and Health Use Only" section of the birth and fetal death certificates or the "Information for Statistical Purposes Only" section of the Certificate of Marriage or Certificate of Divorce, Dissolution of Marriage, or Annulment unless specifically authorized by the State Registrar for statistical or research purposes or if authorized by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Utah Admin. Code R436-13-2

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-6, effective 2/17/2016
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2022-07, effective 3/16/2022
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-15, effective 7/19/2024