Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R392-502-9 - Structural and Operational Requirements(1) Every foundation, chimney, floor, exterior and interior wall, ceiling, and roof of all public lodging units shall be weather and water-tight, vermin-proof, and in good repair. All stairs and railings shall be correctly installed and maintained in good repair. (a) Every public lodging unit bathroom and kitchen wall and ceiling surface shall be constructed and maintained reasonably impervious to water. (i) Floor surfaces within two feet of the toilet shall be smooth and easily cleanable.(ii) Floor/wall junctures in bathrooms and kitchens shall have coving to prevent the leakage of water into the wall through the juncture during toilet or shower overflows, regular mopping, or spills. Such coving shall be sealed to the floor.(2) The operator shall take effective measures to keep vermin out of the public lodging facility and to prevent their breeding or presence on the premises. All exterior openings, windows, skylights, and outer doors shall be protected against the entrance of flies and other flying insects by self-closing doors, closed windows, 16-mesh or finer screening, controlled air currents, or other effective means.(3) There shall be no fly or mosquito breeding places, vermin harborages, or undrained areas on the premises.(4) In open bay type sleeping areas containing four or more beds, the operator shall separate beds by a horizontal distance of at least five feet, reducible to three feet, if beds are alternated head to foot, except in case of double stacked bunks, which shall have a minimum horizontal separation of six feet under all circumstances. If partitions are utilized to preclude face-to-face exposure between beds, spacing requirements may be modified to a minimum separation distance of three feet between adjacent beds upon approval of the local health officer.Utah Admin. Code R392-502-9
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2018-8, effective 3/26/2018