Utah Admin. Code 331-9-5

Current through Bulletin 2024-20, October 15, 2024
Section R331-9-5 - Commencement of Proceedings
(1) Comment Hearing.

Proceedings incident to a comment hearing shall be commenced by the department issuing public notice of the hearing. The notice shall specify:

(a) The subject matter of the hearing,
(b) That it is to be a comment hearing,
(c) The date, time and place of the hearing,
(d) The person or persons who will preside at the hearing, and
(e) Any special provisions or requirements concerning the hearing such as advance notice by any party wishing to speak at the hearing or limits on speaking time.
(2) Dispute Hearing.
(a) A dispute hearing shall be commenced by issuing Notice to the party which filed the application or request at issue and to any party or parties that may have protested or otherwise objected to the same prior to issuance of the Notice.
(b) The Notice shall specify the matters relating to the application or request which are in dispute and advise the party who filed the application or request that it will have the initial burden at the hearing of showing that the application or request should be granted.
(3) Adjudicative Hearing.
(a) An adjudicative hearing shall be commenced when the department issues Notice to the parties named in the proceeding.
(b) If a party to a hearing refuses to sign an acknowledgment of having received a copy of a Notice then such Notice shall be served upon the party in the manner prescribed for service of process in Rule 4 of the U.R.C.P. If personal service is not possible then the commissioner upon motion may authorize alternative forms of service similar to those specified in Rule 4 of the U.R.C.P. If a party resides out of state and cannot be served in this state, a copy of the Notice may be mailed to the party at the party's last known address by certified mail without having to obtain an order from the commissioner.
(c) The Notice of the adjudicative proceeding shall contain at a minimum the following information:
(i) The names of all individual parties to the proceeding.
(ii) A reasonably specific description of the department's allegations against each of the named parties.
(iii) A reasonably specific description of any and all actions the department intends to take against each named party with respect to the matters alleged.
(iv) A statement that within 30 days following service of the department's Notice each party must file an Answer specifically admitting or denying the department's allegations and separately describing in reasonable detail any affirmative defenses the party may claim with respect to the department's allegations.
(v) An express warning that failure to file an Answer within 30 days following service of the Notice will entitle the commissioner to accept the department's allegations as true in their entirety and immediately enter a final order with respect to the matters alleged in the Notice.
(d) If any party named in an adjudicative hearing files a timely and proper Answer then a hearing shall be scheduled before an independent hearing examiner and notice thereof stating the time, date, place of the hearing and identifying the hearing examiner shall be mailed to the answering party. Named parties to a proceeding who do not file a timely and proper Answer shall not be entitled to participate in any subsequent hearing as a party except by leave of the hearing examiner and the commissioner may immediately enter a final order as to such party with respect to the matters alleged in the department's Notice without further adjudicative proceedings.
(e) Proceeding Involving Temporary Cease and Desist Order.
(i) In a proceeding involving a Temporary Cease and Desist Order issued pursuant to Section 7-1-307, the Notice to be served on a party to the proceeding shall include notice that the party is entitled to a show cause hearing concerning the Temporary Cease and Desist Order but must request the same within ten days following service of receipt of the Temporary Cease and Desist Order, in which event the show cause hearing shall be scheduled within ten days after the party's request is received by the department unless the party and the department mutually agree on another time for the hearing.
(ii) In a proceeding involving a Temporary Cease and Desist Order issued pursuant to Section 7-1- 307(2), the Order shall state a date, time and place for a hearing before the commissioner, or, if he is unable to preside, before, within ten days after the date the Temporary Cease and Desist Order is signed. The notice shall also advise any interested party that it shall be its burden at the hearing to show cause why the Temporary Cease and Desist Order should not remain in full force and effect for 30 days after it was signed, should not be extended for no more than two successive 15-day periods thereafter, or both.
(f) Upon motion and notice to all other parties to the proceeding, the commissioner or his designee may, for good cause shown, shorten or enlarge any time limits specified herein, including that for scheduling a show cause hearing on a Temporary Cease and Desist Order but excepting the time limits set forth in the foregoing subsection (e)(ii), permit amendments to the department's Notice or any Answer, reschedule a hearing, bifurcate a hearing, permit the joinder of a party, or enter such other preliminary or procedural Order as the commissioner or his designee considers proper and equitable to protect the rights and interests of the parties to the proceeding, expedite the hearing procedure, or both.

Utah Admin. Code R331-9-5