Utah Admin. Code 331-7-2

Current through Bulletin 2024-20, October 15, 2024
Section R331-7-2 - Definitions
(1) "Affiliate" means any company under common control with the depository institution excluding any subsidiary.
(2) "Assigned lease" means a lease having all of the following characteristics:
(a) Residual dependence greater than 5% of original equipment cost;
(b) Originated by a lessor - assignor who subsequently assigned its rights or sold a participation in the lease, payments, or ownership rights to the depository institution - assignee;
(c) The assigned lease is either a tax or non-tax lease;
(d) The depository institution may or may not have recourse to the assignor in addition to lessee recourse;
(e) The assigned lease is accounted for in accordance with R331-7-9.
(3) "Bargain call purchase option" means a written call purchase option which is a lessee option to purchase the asset as contrasted with a put purchase option which is a lessor right to force the lessee to purchase the asset. An option is considered a bargain if at the inception of the lease the purchase option exercise price is considered to be significantly less than the expected future fair market value of the property at the time the option becomes exercisable.
(4) "Capital lease vs. operating lease" means if at its inception a lease meets one or more of the (a) through (d) criteria and both of the (e) and (f) criteria, the lease shall be classified as a sales-type capital lease or a direct-financing capital lease, whichever is appropriate, by the lessor. Otherwise, it shall be classified as an operating lease.
(a) The lease automatically transfers ownership of the property to the lessee during or by the end of the lease term.
(b) The lease contains a bargain call purchase option.
(c) The lease term is equal to 75% or more of the estimated economic life of the leased property. However, if the beginning of the lease term falls within the last 25% of the total estimated economic life of the leased property, including earlier years of use, this criterion shall not be used for purposes of classifying the lease.
(d) The present value at the beginning of the lease term of the minimum lease payments, excluding that portion of the payments representing executory costs to be paid by the lessor, including any profit thereon, equals or exceeds 90% of the excess of the fair value of the leased property to the lessor at the inception of the lease over any related investment tax credit retained by the lessor and expected to be realized by him.
(i) However, if the beginning of the lease terms falls within the last 25% of the total estimated economic life of the leased property, including earlier years of use, this criterion shall not be used to classify the lease.
(ii) A lessor shall compute the present value of the minimum lease payments using the interest rate implicit in the lease.
(e) The collectability of the minimum lease payments shall be reasonably predictable. A lessor shall not be precluded from classifying a lease as a sales-type lease or as a direct financing lease simply because the receivable is subject to an estimate of uncollectability based on experience with groups of similar receivables.
(f) No important uncertainties surround the amount of unreimbursable costs yet to be incurred by the lessor under the lease. Important uncertainties might include commitments by the lessor to guarantee performance of the leased property in a manner more extensive than the typical product warranty or to effectively protect the lessee from obsolescence of the leased property. However, the necessity of estimating executory costs to be paid by the lessor shall not by itself constitute an important uncertainty as referred to herein.
(5) "Company" means a corporation, partnership, trust, association, joint venture, pool, syndicate, sole proprietorship, unincorporated organization or any form of business entity.
(6) "Control" means control as defined in Section 7-1-103.
(7) "Department" means the Department of Financial Institutions.
(8) "Depository institution" means depository institution as defined in Section 7-1-103, and any subsidiary.
(9) "Direct financing lease" means a capital lease other than a leveraged lease that does not give rise to a dealer's profit or loss to the lessor but that meets one or more of the first four criteria and both criteria (e) and (f) in Subsection (4) above. In a direct financing lease, the cost and fair market value of the leased property is the same at the inception of the lease.
(10) "FASB 13" means the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 13, Accounting for Leases, as amended, which outlines the required accounting procedures for accounting for leases by a lessor and is incorporated by reference. Other statements by the FASB, which are incorporated by reference, concerning leasing shall similarly be referred to by number such as "FASB 17" which defines initial direct costs of a lessor.
(11) "Gross investment in the lease" means the aggregate of the total minimum lease payments receivable and the unguaranteed residual in the lease.
(12) "Implicit interest rate" means the discount interest rate in a lease which when applied to the minimum lease payments, excluding that portion of the payments representing executory costs to be paid by the lessor, together with any profit thereon, and the unguaranteed residual value accruing to the benefit of the lessor, causes the aggregate present value at the beginning of the lease term to be equal to the fair value of the leased property to the lessor at the inception of the lease, minus any investment tax credit retained by the lessor and expected to be realized by him. This definition does not necessarily purport to include all factors that a lessor might recognize in determining his rate of return.
(13) "Leveraged lease" means a lease having all of the following characteristics:
(a) The lease involves at least three parties: a lessee, a long-term non-recourse creditor, and a lessor, commonly called the equity participant. A depository institution could be either the long-term non-recourse creditor or the equity participant;
(b) The financing provided by the long-term non-recourse creditor is non-recourse as to the general credit of the lessor although the creditor may have recourse to the specific property leased and the unremitted rentals relating to it. The amount of the non-recourse financing is sufficient to provide the lessor with substantial "leverage" in the transaction;
(c) Except for the exclusion of leveraged leases from the definition of a direct financing lease as set forth in R331-7-2(9), the lease otherwise meets the direct financing lease definition. A participation in a net, limited residual dependent lease purchased by a depository institution and a lease that meets the definition of a sales-type lease set forth in R331-7-2(4) shall not be considered a leveraged lease.
(14) "Limited residual dependent" means a lease from which the lessor can reasonably expect to realize a return of its investment in the leased property, plus the estimated cost of financing the property over the term of the lease, plus a reasonable profit, all of which are derived from:
(a) Lease rental payments;
(b) Estimated tax benefits; and
(c) The limited in amount estimated residual value of the property at the expiration of the initial non-cancelable term of the lease. The degree to which a depository institution may depend upon residual value to derive a profit from a lease transaction is subject to certain residual dependence restrictions set forth at Rule R331-7-4(1).
(15) "Minimum lease payments" means the minimum payments received on a lease which include any or all of the following:
(a) Guaranteed residual value by lessee or related party whether or not title transfers;
(b) Basic rentals during the non-cancelable lease term;
(c) Renewal rentals preceding a bargain call purchase option;
(d) Bargain call purchase options;
(e) Purchase option puts whether bargain or not;
(f) Third party residual guarantee, excluded by lessee as a criterion;
(g) Non-renewal penalties; and
(h) Unguaranteed residuals, including non-bargain purchase options, are excluded from minimum lease payments.
(16) "Net investment in the lease" means the gross investment less the unearned income.
(17) "Net lease" means a lease under which the depository institution will not directly provide or be obligated to provide for:
(a) The servicing, repair, or maintenance of the leased property during the lease term; however, the depository institution shall not be precluded from offering these same "full-service" benefits indirectly by subcontracting such service, repair, or maintenance to independent sub-contracting firms provided that such firms have the resources to meet the terms of the service contract;
(b) The purchasing of parts and accessories for the leased property, provided however, that improvements and additions to the leased property may be leased to the lessee upon its request in accordance with the net, limited residual dependence requirements;
(c) The loan of replacement or substitute property while the leased property is being serviced or repaired unless such loan or substitution of property is provided by an independent firm whose loan or replacement services have been subcontracted;
(d) The purchasing of insurance for the lessee, except where the lessee has failed in its contractual obligation to purchase or maintain the required insurance;
(e) The renewal of any license or registration for the property unless such action by the depository institution is necessary to protect its interest as an owner or financier of the property.
(18) "Non-tax lease" means a lease wherein the depository institution as a lessor does not receive the tax benefits of ownership of the leased property, and the residual dependence of the lessor is greater than 5% of the cost of the property.
(19) "Purchase option put" means a lessor right to force the lessee to purchase the asset.
(20) "Residual" means a residual payment or residual value in a lease which is represented by any of the following:
(a) A fixed purchase option fixed either as a dollar amount or as a percentage of cost of the leased property;
(b) A guaranteed residual where the residual value is guaranteed by the lessee, a third party, or the manufacturer or vendor;
(c) A fair market value purchase option where the option price is determined at the end of the lease based on the prevailing appraised market value;
(d) An unguaranteed residual such as in a closed end lease where the property reverts back to the lessor at the end of the lease term at which time the lessor has no guarantee as to the value of the property upon resale or release of the property. Fixed call purchase options that are not considered "bargain" will also be referred to as unguaranteed residuals.
(21) "Residual dependence" means depending upon residual value, including rentals and tax benefits, in a lease transaction in order to earn a required profit, recoup original capital investment, and cover financing costs. Full payout leases do not depend upon residual for profit whereas residual dependent leases do.
(22) "Sales-type lease" means a capital lease that gives rise to dealer's profit or loss to the lessor, in other words, the fair value of the leased property at the inception of the lease is greater or less than its cost, and that meets one or more of the criteria (a) through (d) and both criteria (e) and (f) in R331-7-2(4).
(a) Normally, a sales-type lease will arise when the depository institution acts as a dealer using leasing as a means of improving profit margins. Leases involving lessors that are primarily engaged in financing operations normally will not be sales-type leases if they qualify under R331-7-2(4), but will most often be direct financing leases, as described in R331-7-2(9).
(b) However, a lessor need not be a dealer to realize dealer's profit or loss on a transaction. For example, if a lessor, who is not a dealer, leases an asset that at the inception of the lease has a fair value that is greater or less than its cost or carrying amount, if different, such a transaction is a sales-type lease, assuming the criteria referred to are met.
(23) "Subsidiary" means subsidiary as defined in Section 7-1-103.
(24) "Tax lease" means a lease where the depository institution as a lessor is construed to be the tax owner of the property for income tax purposes and thereby receives the tax benefits of ownership including tax credits and depreciation, and the residual dependence of the lessor is greater than 5% of the cost of the property.
(25) "Total Capital" means the sum of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, reserve for contingencies, reserves for loan losses, and subordinated notes and debentures with more than one year maturity.
(26) "Unearned income" means the difference between the gross investment in the lease and the cost or carrying amount, if different, of the leased property. Unearned income shall be increased by any deferral of the investment tax credit or any other tax credits and decreased by any initial direct costs incurred on direct financing leases.
(27) "Unguaranteed residual value" means the estimated residual value of the leased property exclusive of a portion guaranteed by the lessee, by any party related to the lessee or by a third party unrelated to the lessor. If the guarantor is related to the lessor, the residual value shall be considered as unguaranteed.
(28) "Used property" means property which has been in use for 90 days or more.

Utah Admin. Code R331-7-2