Utah Admin. Code 331-23-5

Current through Bulletin 2024-20, October 15, 2024
Section R331-23-5 - Exceptions to the Lending Limits
(1) The lending limits do not apply to the portion of a loan or extension of credit that represents accrued or discounted interest.
(2) Loans Secured by U.S. Obligations and General Obligations of a state or political subdivision.
(a) Loans, extensions of credit and the portion of any credit exposure to a derivative transaction secured by bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness or Treasury bills of the United States or by other similar obligations fully guaranteed as to the principal and interest by the United States or general obligations of a state or a political subdivision are not subject to any limitation based on total capital.
(b) This exception applies only to the extent that loans, extensions of credit and the portion of any credit exposure to derivative transactions are fully secured by the current market value of obligations of the United States or guaranteed by the United States or general obligations of a state or political subdivision.
(c) If the market value of the collateral declines to the extent that the loan or the credit exposure to a derivative transaction is no longer in conformance with this exception and exceeds the general 15% limitation, the loan or the credit exposure to a derivative transaction must be brought into conformance within 60 days.
(3) Loans to or Guaranteed by a Federal Agency
(a) Loans or extensions of credit to or secured by unconditional takeout commitments or guarantees of any department, agency, bureau, board, commission, or establishment of the United States or any corporation wholly owned directly or indirectly by the United States shall not be subject to any limitation based on total capital.
(b) This exception may apply to only that portion of a loan or extension of credit that is covered by a federal guarantee or commitment.
(c) For purposes of this exception, the commitment or guarantee must be payable in cash or its equivalent within 60 days after demand for payment is made.
(d) A guarantee or commitment is unconditional if the protection afforded the bank or industrial loan corporation is not substantially diminished or impaired in the case of loss resulting from factors beyond the bank's or industrial loan corporation's control. Protection against loss is not materially diminished or impaired by procedural requirements, such as an agreement to take over only in the event of default, including default over a specific period of time, a requirement that notification of default be given within a specific period after its occurrence, or a requirement of good faith on the part of the bank or industrial loan corporation.
(4) Loans Secured by Segregated Deposit Accounts
(a) Loans, extensions of credit and the portion of any credit exposure to a derivative transaction secured by a segregated deposit account in the lending bank or industrial loan corporation shall not be subject to any limitation based on total capital.
(b) The bank or industrial loan corporation must ensure that a security interest has been perfected in the deposit, including the assignment of a specifically identified deposit and any other actions required by state law.
(c) Deposit accounts which may qualify for this exception include deposits in any form generally recognized as deposits. In the case of a deposit eligible for withdrawal prior to the maturity of the secured loan or derivative transaction, the bank or industrial loan corporation must establish internal procedures which will prevent the release of the security.
(5) Loans to Financial Institutions with the Approval of the commissioner
(a) Loans or extensions of credit to any financial institution or to any receiver, conservator, or other agent in charge of the business and property of such financial institution, when such loans or extensions of credit are approved by the commissioner, shall not be subject to any limitation based on total capital.
(b) This exception is intended to apply only in emergency situations where a bank or industrial loan corporation is called upon to provide assistance to another financial institution.
(6) Discount of Consumer Paper
(a) This exception allows a bank or industrial loan corporation to discount negotiable or nonnegotiable installment consumer paper of one person in an amount equal to 10% of its total capital (in addition to the 15% permitted by Section 7-3-19(1) and Section 7-8-20(1) ) if the paper carries a full recourse endorsement or unconditional guarantee by the person transferring such paper. The unconditional guarantee may be in the form of a repurchase agreement or a separate guarantee agreement. A condition reasonably within the power of the bank or industrial loan corporation to perform, such as the repossession of collateral, will not be considered to make conditional an otherwise unconditional agreement.
(b) Under certain circumstances, consumer paper which otherwise meets the requirements of this exception will be considered a loan or extension of credit to the maker of the paper rather than the seller of the paper. Specifically, where (i) through the bank's or industrial loan corporation's files it has been determined that the financial condition of each maker is reasonably adequate to repay the loan or extension of credit, and (ii) any officer designated by the bank's or industrial loan corporation's Chairman or Chief Executive Officer pursuant to authorization by the Board of Directors certifies in writing that the bank or industrial loan corporation is relying primarily upon the maker to repay the loan or extension of credit, the loan or extension of credit is subject only to the lending limits of the maker of the paper. Where paper is purchased in substantial quantities, the records, evaluation, and certification may be in such form as is appropriate for the class and quantity of paper involved.
(7) Loans Secured by Livestock
(a) This exception allows a bank or industrial loan corporation to make loans or extensions of credit to one person in an amount equal to 10% of its total capital, in addition to the 15% permitted by Section 7-3-19(1) and Section 7-8-20(1), if the loans or extensions of credit are secured by livestock having a market value at least equal to 115% of the outstanding loan balance at all times. The loans or extensions of credit may be secured by shipping documents or other instruments which transfer title to, secure title to, or give a first lien on livestock. "Livestock" includes dairy and beef cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, horses, mules, poultry, and fish, whether or not held for resale. To support compliance with this exception, the bank or industrial loan corporation must maintain in its files an inspection and appraisal report on the livestock pledged.
(b) Under the laws of certain states, a person furnishing pasturage under a grazing contract may have a lien on the livestock for the amount due for pasturage. If the lien which is based on pasturage furnished by the lienor prior to the making of the loan (i) is assigned to the bank or industrial loan corporation by a recordable instrument and (ii) is protected against being defeated by some other lien or claim, by payment to a person other than the bank or industrial loan corporation, or otherwise, it would qualify under this exception provided the amount of such perfected lien is at least equal to the amount of the loan and the value of the livestock is at no time less than 115% of the loan. Where the amount due under the grazing contract is dependent upon future performance thereunder, the resulting lien has merely prospective value and does not meet the requirements of the exception.
(8) Loans to Student Loan Marketing Association, Utah Board of Regents or Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority

Loans or extensions of credit to the Student Loan Marketing Association, the Utah Board of Regents or the Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority are not subject to any limitation based on total capital.

(9) Loans to Industrial Development Authorities and Housing Authorities

A loan or extension of credit to an industrial development authority, housing authority or similar public entity in the state is not a loan or extension of credit to the authority provided that:

(a) The bank or industrial loan corporation relies on the credit of the lessee or owner of the facility to be financed by the loan or extension of credit;
(b) The authority's liability with respect to the loan is limited solely to whatever interest it has in the particular facility;
(c) The authority's interest is assigned to the bank or industrial loan corporation as security for the loan or a promissory note from the lessee or owner to the bank or industrial loan corporation provides a higher order of security than the assignment of a lease, trust deed or mortgage; and
(d) lessee's or tenant's rent or mortgage payment is assigned and paid directly to the bank or industrial loan corporation.

A loan or extension of credit meeting the above criteria will be deemed a loan or extension of credit to the lessee or owner and will be combined with other obligations of the lessee or owner for purposes of Section 7-3-19 and Section 7-8-20.

(10) Other Exemptions

With the written approval of the commissioner other exemptions to the provisions of Section 7-3-19 and Section 7-8-20 may be permitted.

Utah Admin. Code R331-23-5