Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R315-322-3 - Solid Waste Surface Impoundment General Requirements(1) Each new solid waste surface impoundment shall meet the following applicable requirements, as determined by the director:(a) The plan of operation requirements of Subsection R315-302-2(2), except plans to control wind-blown litter and disease vectors as found in Subsections R315-302-2(2)(h) and R315-302-2(2)(k) are not required.(b) For solid waste surface impoundments that use enhanced evaporation systems, a plan to control overspray, including corrective actions to cleanup waste shall be included in the plan of operation.(c) The recordkeeping requirements of Subsections R315-302-2(3)(a), R315-302-2(3)(b)(i), R315-302-2(3)(b)(iii), R315-302-2(3)(b)(iv), and R315-302-2(3)(b)(vi).(d) The reporting requirements of Subsection R315-302-2(4).(e) The inspection requirements of Subsection R315-302-2(5).(2) Permit Application.(a) The director may issue a temporary permit for an existing Class VII solid waste surface impoundment to facilitate the owner's or operator's good faith transition from regulation under Rule R649-9 to regulation under Rule R315-322 according to the requirements of Subsection R315-321-4(8).(b) The owner or operator of any solid waste surface impoundment shall apply for and get a permit to operate by meeting the applicable requirements of Rule R315-310.(c) The permit application shall include detailed construction and installation diagrams of the surface impoundment, including details of side slopes, liners, surface impoundment storage capacity, leak detection systems, dikes or levees, wind fences, piping, enhanced evaporation systems with justification, water treatment systems and tanks.(d) Contingencies for releases shall be included in the plan required by Subsection R315-302-2(2)(f) and shall include procedures for repair of liners as specified in Subsection R315-322-5(12)(d).(e) The owner or operator of a solid waste surface impoundment that does not accept hazardous waste from a very small quantity generator as defined by Subsection R315-260-10(c), shall submit details of controls and employee training programs used to prevent the acceptance of hazardous waste.Utah Admin. Code R315-322-3
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-20, effective 10/15/2024