Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R315-270-20 - Hazardous Waste Permit Program - Specific Part B Information Requirements for Land Treatment FacilitiesExcept as otherwise provided in Section R315-264-1, owners and operators of facilities that use land treatment to dispose of hazardous waste shall provide the following additional information:
(a) A description of plans to conduct a treatment demonstration as required under Section R315-264-272. The description shall include the following information; (1) The wastes for which the demonstration will be made and the potential hazardous constituents in the waste;(2) The data sources to be used to make the demonstration, e.g., literature, laboratory data, field data, or operating data;(3) Any specific laboratory or field test that will be conducted, including: (i) The type of test, e.g., column leaching, degradation;(ii) Materials and methods, including analytical procedures;(iii) Expected time for completion;(iv) Characteristics of the unit that will be simulated in the demonstration, including treatment zone characteristics, climatic conditions, and operating practices.(b) A description of a land treatment program, as required under Section R315-264-271. This information shall be submitted with the plans for the treatment demonstration, and updated following the treatment demonstration. The land treatment program shall address the following items: (1) The wastes to be land treated;(2) Design measures and operating practices necessary to maximize treatment in accordance with Subsection R315-264-273(a) including: (i) Waste application method and rate;(ii) Measures to control soil pH;(iii) Enhancement of microbial or chemical reactions;(iv) Control of moisture content;(3) Provisions for unsaturated zone monitoring, including: (i) Sampling equipment, procedures, and frequency;(ii) Procedures for selecting sampling locations;(iii) Analytical procedures;(iv) Chain of custody control;(v) Procedures for establishing background values;(vi) Statistical methods for interpreting results;(vii) The justification for any hazardous constituents recommended for selection as principal hazardous constituents, in accordance with the criteria for such selection in Subsection R315-264-278(a);(4) A list of hazardous constituents reasonably expected to be in, or derived from, the wastes to be land treated based on waste analysis performed pursuant to Section R315-264-13;(5) The proposed dimensions of the treatment zone;(c) A description of how the unit is or will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in order to meet the requirements of Section R315-264-273. This submission shall address the following items: (2) Collection and control of run-off;(3) Minimization of run-off of hazardous constituents from the treatment zone; (4) Management of collection and holding facilities associated with run-on and run-off control systems; (5) Periodic inspection of the unit. This information should be included in the inspection plan submitted under Subsection R315-270-14(b)(5);(6) Control of wind dispersal of particulate matter, if applicable;(d) If food-chain crops are to be grown in or on the treatment zone of the land treatment unit, a description of how the demonstration required under Subsection R315-264-276(a) will be conducted including: (1) Characteristics of the food-chain crop for which the demonstration will be made.(2) Characteristics of the waste, treatment zone, and waste application method and rate to be used in the demonstration; (3) Procedures for crop growth, sample collection, sample analysis, and data evaluation;(4) Characteristics of the comparison crop including the location and conditions under which it was or will be grown; (e) If food-chain crops are to be grown, and cadmium is present in the land-treated waste, a description of how the requirements of Subsection R315-264-276(b) will be complied with;(f) A description of the vegetative cover to be applied to closed portions of the facility, and a plan for maintaining such cover during the post-closure care period, as required under Subsections R315-264-280(a)(8) and R315-264-280(c)(2). This information should be included in the closure plan and, where applicable, the post-closure care plan submitted under Subsection R315-270-14(b)(13); (g) If ignitable or reactive wastes will be placed in or on the treatment zone, an explanation of how the requirements of Section R315-264-281 will be complied with;(h) If incompatible wastes, or incompatible wastes and materials, will be placed in or on the same treatment zone, an explanation of how Section R315-264-282 will be complied with.(i) A waste management plan for EPA Hazardous Waste Nos. FO20, FO21, FO22, FO23, FO26, and FO27 describing how a land treatment facility is or will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained to meet the requirements of Section R315-264-283. This submission shall address the following items as specified in Section R315-264-283: (1) The volume, physical, and chemical characteristics of the wastes, including their potential to migrate through soil or to volatilize or escape into the atmosphere;(2) The attenuative properties of underlying and surrounding soils or other materials;(3) The mobilizing properties of other materials co-disposed with these wastes; and(4) The effectiveness of additional treatment, design, or monitoring techniques.Utah Admin. Code R315-270-20
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-9, effective 4/15/2016