The level of control for exports and imports of waste is indicated by assignment of the waste to either a list of wastes subject to the Green control procedures or a list of wastes subject to the Amber control procedures and whether the waste is or is not hazardous waste. The OECD Green and Amber lists are incorporated by reference in Section R315-260-11.
Note to Subsection R315-262-82(a)(2): Some Amber list wastes are not listed or otherwise identified as hazardous under RCRA, and therefore are not subject to the requirements of Sections R315-262-80 through 84. Regardless of the status of the waste under RCRA, however, other Federal environmental statutes, for example, the Toxic Substances Control Act, restrict certain waste imports or exports. Such restrictions continue to apply with regard to Sections R315-262-80 through 84.
Note to Subsection R315-262-82(a)(3)(i): The regulated community should note that some countries may require, by domestic law, that mixtures of different Green wastes be subject to the Amber control procedures.
Note to Subsection R315-262-82(a)(3)(ii): The regulated community should note that some countries may require, by domestic law, that a mixture of a Green waste and more than a de minimis amount of an Amber waste or a mixture of two or more Amber wastes be subject to the Amber control procedures.
Note to Subsection R315-262-82(b)(2): These international agreements include, but are not limited to, the Chicago Convention (1944), ADR (1957), ADNR (1970), MARPOL Convention (1973/1978), SOLAS Convention (1974), IMDG Code (1985), COTIF (1985), and RID (1985).
Utah Admin. Code R315-262-82