Utah Admin. Code 315-262-40

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R315-262-40 - Recordkeeping and Reporting Applicable to Small and Large Quantity Generators - Recordkeeping
(a) A generator shall keep a copy of each manifest signed in accordance with Subsection R315-262-23(a) for three years or until he receives a signed copy from the designated facility which received the waste. This signed copy shall be retained as a record for at least three years from the date the waste was accepted by the initial transporter.
(b) A generator shall keep a copy of each Biennial Report and Exception Report for a period of at least three years from the due date of the report.
(c) A generator shall follow Subsection R315-262-11(f) for recordkeeping requirements for documenting hazardous waste determinations.
(d) The periods or retention referred to in Section R315-262-40 are extended automatically during the course of any unresolved enforcement action regarding the regulated activity or as requested by the Director.
(e) Records maintained in accordance with Section R315-262-40 and any other records which the Director deems necessary to determine quantities and disposition of hazardous waste or other determinations, test results, or waste analyses made in accordance with R315-262-11 shall be available for inspection by any duly authorized officer, employee or representative of the Department or the Director as provided in R315-260-6 for a period of at least three years from the date the waste was last sent to on-site or off-site treatment, storage, or disposal facilities.

Utah Admin. Code R315-262-40

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-9, effective 4/15/2016
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2017-17, effective 8/31/2017
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-8, effective 4/13/2020