Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R315-260-12 - Definitions for Rule R315-101(a) For purposes of Rule R315-101 regarding cleanup action and Risk-Based Closure Standards, the following terms are defined: (1) "The concentration term, C" is calculated as the 95% upper confidence limit, UCL, on the arithmetic average for normally distributed data, or as the 95% upper confidence limit on the arithmetic average for lognormally distributed data. For normally distributed data, C = Mean + t x Standard Deviation/n 1/2 , where n is the number of observations, and t is Student's t distribution (at the 95% one-sided confidence level and n-1 degrees of freedom), tables of which are printed in most introductory statistics textbooks. For lognormally distributed data, C = exp (Mean of lognormal-transformed data + 0.5 x Variance of lognormal-transformed data + Standard Deviation of lognormal-transformed data x H/(n - 1) 1/2 ), where n is the number of observations, and H is Land's H statistic (at the 95% one-sided confidence level), tables of which are printed in advanced statistics books. For data which are not normally nor lognormally distributed, appropriate statistics, such as nonparametric confidence limits, shall be applied.(2) "Area of contamination" means a hazardous waste management unit or an area where a release has occurred. The boundary is defined as the furthest extent where contamination from a defined source has migrated in any medium at the time the release is first identified. (3) "Contaminate" means to render a medium polluted through the introduction of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents as identified in R315-261, Appendix VIII. (4) "Hazard index" means the sum of more than one hazard quotient for multiple substances, multiple exposure pathways, or both. The Hazard Index is calculated separately for chronic, subchronic, and shorter duration exposures. (5) "Hazard quotient" means the ratio of a single substance exposure level over a specified time period, e.g. subchronic, to a reference dose for that substance derived from a similar exposure period. (6) "Risk-based closure" means closure of a site where hazardous waste was managed or any medium has been contaminated by a release of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents, and where hazardous waste or hazardous constituents remain at the site in any medium at concentrations determined, under Rule R315-101, to cause minimal levels of risk to human health and the environment so as to require no further action or monitoring on the part of the responsible party nor any notice of hazardous waste management on the deed to the property. (7) "Reasonable maximum exposure (RME)" means the highest exposure that is reasonably expected to occur at a site. The goal of RME is to combine upper-bound and mid-range exposure factors so that the result represents an exposure scenario that is both protective and reasonable; not the worst possible case. (8) "Release" means spill or discharge of hazardous waste, hazardous constituents, or material that becomes hazardous waste when released to the environment. (9) "Responsible party" means the owner or operator of a facility, or any other person responsible for the release of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents. (10) "Site" means the area of contamination and any other area that could be impacted by the released contaminants, or could influence the migration of those contaminants, regardless of whether the site is owned by the responsible party. Utah Admin. Code R315-260-12
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-9, effective 4/15/2016Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-13, effective 6/10/2016