Utah Admin. Code 309-705-5

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R309-705-5 - Application and Project Initiation Procedures

The following procedures must normally be followed to obtain financial assistance from the Board:

(1) It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain the necessary financial, legal and engineering counsel to prepare its application and an effective and appropriate financial assistance agreement.
(2) A completed application form and project engineering report or facility plan listing the project alternatives considered and including a justification for the chosen alternative, a project financing plan including an evaluation of credit enhancement, interest buy-down and loan methods applicable to the project and financial capability assessment and a history of the applicant's compliance with the SDWA are submitted to the Board. Comments from other interested parties such as an association of governments, the local health and planning departments, and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) District Engineers will also be accepted. Project costs which meet the criteria of Subsection R309-705-4(1) that are incurred after the applicant's funding application has been approved by the Board and before the financial assistance agreement is executed are eligible for reimbursement from the proceeds of the financial assistance agreement.
(3) An engineering and financial feasibility report and a capacity development analysis are prepared by Division staff for presentation to and consideration by the Board. A Capacity Assessment, as required by Rule R309-800, will be made by Division staff for equivalency projects, essentially, those funded by the annual federal Capitalization Grant as defined by federal regulations. A capacity assessment may be prepared for a non-equivalency project when it is determined to be beneficial for evaluating project feasibility.
(4) Retail water suppliers seeking financial assistance through the State Revolving Fund must commit to develop and implement an asset management program as defined in Rule R309-800. Capacity Development Program.
(5) The Board may authorize financial assistance for the project on the basis of the staff's feasibility report and designate whether a loan, credit enhancement agreement, interest buy-down agreement, or any combination thereof, is to be entered into, and approve the project schedule as described in Section R309-705-7.
(6) The applicant must demonstrate public support for the project before bonding, as deemed acceptable by the Drinking Water Board. As a minimum, for a loan to be secured by a revenue bond, the Sponsor must mail notices to each water user in the Sponsor's service area informing them of a public hearing. In addition to the time and location of the public hearing the notice shall inform water users of the Sponsor's intent to issue a non-voted revenue bond to the Board, shall describe the face amount of the bond, the effective rate, the repayment schedule and shall describe the impact of the project on the user including: user rates, impact and connection fees. The notice shall state that water users may respond to the Sponsor in writing or in the public hearing within ten days after the date of the notice. A copy of all written responses and a certified record of the public hearing shall be forwarded to the Division of Drinking Water.
(7) For financial assistance mechanisms where the applicant's bond is purchased by the Board, the project applicant's bond documentation must include an opinion from recognized bond counsel. Counsel must be experienced in bond matters, and must include an opinion that the drinking water project obligation is a valid and binding obligation of the applicant as described in Section R309-705-8. The opinion must be submitted to the Board's Attorney for preliminary approval and the applicant shall publish a Notice of Intent to issue bonds in a newspaper of general circulation pursuant to Section 11-14-21. For financial assistance mechanisms when the applicant's bond is not purchased by the Board, the applicant shall submit a true and correct copy of an opinion from legal counsel, experienced in bond matters, that the drinking water project obligation is a valid and binding obligation of the applicant.
(8) As authorized in Subsection 19-4-106(2)(c), the Director may review plans, specifications, and other data pertinent to proposed or expanded water supply systems to insure proper design and construction, as specified in Section R309-500-4 General. Construction of a public drinking water project shall not begin until complete plans and specifications have been approved in writing by the Director.
(9) If a project is designated to be financed by the Board through a loan or an interest buy-down agreement, an account supervised by the applicant and the Board will be established by the applicant to assure that loan funds are used only for eligible project costs. If financial assistance for the project is provided by the Board in the form of a credit enhancement or interest buy-down agreement, all project funds will be maintained in a separate account, and a quarterly report of project expenditures will be provided to the Board.

Incremental disbursement bonds will be required. Cash draws will be based on a schedule that coincides with the rate at which project related costs are expected to be incurred for the project.

(10) If a revenue bond is to be used to secure a loan, a User Charge Ordinance, or water rate structure, must be submitted to the Board for review and approval to insure adequate provisions for debt retirement and infrastructure operation and maintenance. If a general obligation bond is to be used to secure a loan, a User Charge Ordinance must be submitted to the Board for review and approval to insure the system will have adequate resources to provide acceptable service.
(11) A Private Company will be required to enter into a Loan Agreement with the Board. The loan agreement will establish the procedures for disbursement of loan proceeds and will set forth the security interests to be granted to the Board by the Applicant to secure the Applicant's repayment obligations.
(a) The Board may require any of the following forms of security interest or other forms of security interests it finds acceptable to guarantee repayment of the loan: deed of trust interests in real property, security interests in equipment and water rights, and personal guarantees.
(b) The security requirements will be established after the Board's staff has reviewed and analyzed the Applicants financial condition.
(c) These requirements may vary from project to project at the discretion of the Board.
(d) The Applicant will also be required to execute a Promissory Note in the face amount of the loan, payable to the order of the lender, and file a Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code Financing Statement, Form UCC-1.
(e) The Board may specify that loan proceeds be disbursed incrementally into an escrow account for expected construction costs, or it may authorize another acceptable disbursement procedure.
(12) The applicant's contract with its engineer must be submitted to the Board for review to determine if there will be adequate engineering involvement, including project supervision and inspection, to successfully complete the project.
(13) The applicant's attorney must provide an opinion to the Board regarding legal incorporation of the applicant, valid legal title to rights-of-way and the project site, validity and quantity of water rights, and adequacy of bidding and contract documents, as required.
(14) A position fidelity bond may be required by the Board insuring the treasurer or other local staff handling the repayment funds and revenues produced by the applicant's system and payable to the State of Utah through the Drinking Water Board.
(15) CREDIT ENHANCEMENT AGREEMENT AND INTEREST BUY-DOWN AGREEMENT ONLY - The Board shall execute the credit enhancement agreement or interest buy-down agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of the security or other forms of assistance provided by the agreement and shall notify the applicant to sell the bonds.
(16) CREDIT ENHANCEMENT AGREEMENT AND INTEREST BUY-DOWN AGREEMENT ONLY - The applicant shall sell the bonds and shall notify the Board of the terms of sale. If a credit enhancement agreement is utilized, the bonds shall contain the legend required by Subsection 73-10c-6(3)(d). If an interest buy-down agreement is being utilized, the bonds shall bear a legend referring to the interest buy-down agreement and state that such agreement does not constitute a pledge of or charge against the general revenues, credit or taxing powers of the state and that the holder of any such bond may look only to the applicant and the funds and revenues pledged by the applicant for the payment of interest and principal on the bonds.
(17) The applicant shall open bids for the project.
(18) LOAN ONLY - The Board shall give final approval to purchase the bonds and execute the loan contract.
(19) LOAN ONLY - The closing of the loan is conducted.
(20) A preconstruction conference shall be held.
(21) The applicant shall issue a written notice to proceed to the contractor.

Utah Admin. Code R309-705-5

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-11, effective 5/22/2023