Utah Admin. Code 307-170-4

Current through Bulletin 2024-18, September 15, 2024
Section R307-170-4 - Definitions

The following additional definitions apply to R307-170.

"Accuracy" means the difference between a continuous monitoring system response and the results of an applicable EPA reference method obtained over the same sampling time.

"Averaging Period" means that period of time over which a pollutant or opacity is averaged to demonstrate compliance to an emission limitation or standard.

"Block Averages" means the total time expressed in fractions of hours over which emission data is collected and averaged.

"Calibration Drift" (zero drift and span drift) means the value obtained by subtracting the known standard or reference value from the raw response of the continuous monitoring system.

"Channel" means the pollutant, diluent, or opacity to be monitored.

"CMS Information" means the identifying information for each continuous monitoring system a source is required to install.

"Computer Enhancement" means computerized correction of a monitor's zero drift and span drift to reflect actual emission concentrations and opacity.

"Continuous Emission Monitoring System" (CEMS) means all equipment required to determine gaseous emission rates and to record the resulting data.

"Continuous Monitoring System" (CMS) means all equipment required to determine gaseous emission rates or opacity and to record the data.

"Continuous Opacity Monitoring System" means all equipment required to determine opacity and data recording.

"Cylinder Gas Audit" means an alternative relative accuracy test of a continuous emission monitoring system to determine its precision using gases certified by or traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the ranges specified in 40 CFR 60, Appendix F.

"Description Report" means a short but accurate description of events that caused continuous monitoring system irregularities or excess emissions that occurred during the reporting period submitted in the state electronic data report.

"Excess Emission Report" means a report within the state electronic data report that documents the date, time, and magnitude of each excess emission episode occurring during the reporting period.

"Excess Emissions" means the amount by which recorded emissions exceed those allowed by approval orders, operating permits, the state implementation plan, or any other provision of R307.

"Monitor" means the equipment in a continuous monitoring system that analyzes concentration or opacity and generates an electronic signal that is sent to a recording device.

"Monitor Availability" means any period in which both the source of emissions and the continuous monitoring system are operating and the minimum frequency of data capture occurred as required in 40 CFR 60.13.

"Monitor Unavailability" means any period in which the source of emissions is operating and the continuous monitoring system is:

a. not operating or minimum data capture did not occur,

b. not generating data, not recording data, or data is lost, or

c. out-of-control in the case of a continuous emissions monitor used for continuous compliance purposes.

"New Source Performance Standards" (NSPS) means 40 CFR 60, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, incorporated by reference at R307-210.

"Operations Report" means the report of all information required under 40 CFR 60 for utilities and fossil fuel fired boilers.

"Performance Specification" means the operational tolerances for a continuous monitoring system as outlined in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B.

"Precision" means the difference between a continuous monitoring system response and the known concentration of a calibration gas or neutral density filter.

"Quality Assurance Calibrations" means calibrations, drift adjustments, and preventive maintenance activities on a continuous monitoring system.

"Raw Continuous Monitoring System Response" means a continuous monitoring system's uncorrected response used to determine calibration drift.

"Relative Accuracy Audit" means an alternative relative accuracy test procedure outlined in 40 CFR 60, Appendix F, which is used to correlate continuous emission monitoring system data to simultaneously collected reference method test data, as outlined in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, using no fewer than three reference method test runs.

"Relative Accuracy Test Audit" means the primary method of determining the correlation of continuous emissions monitoring system data to simultaneously collected reference method test data, using no fewer than nine reference method test runs conducted as outlined in 40 CFR 60, Appendix A.

"State Electronic Data Report" (SEDR) means the sum total of a source's monitoring activities that occurred during a reporting period.

"Summary Report" means the summary of all monitor and excess emission information that occurred during a reporting period.

"Tamper" means knowingly:

a. to make a false statement, representation, or certification in any application, report, record, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under R307-170, or

b. to render inaccurate any continuous monitoring system or device or any method required to maintain the accuracy of the continuous monitoring system or device.

"Valid Monitoring Data" means data collected by an accurately functioning continuous monitoring system while any installation monitored by the continuous monitoring system is in operation.

Utah Admin. Code R307-170-4