Utah Admin. Code 455-15-3

Current through Bulletin 2024-17, September 1, 2024
Section R455-15-3 - Procedure

The following procedure shall govern any emergency meeting:

A. No emergency meeting shall be held unless an attempt has been made to notify all of the members of the Board of State History of the proposed meeting and a majority of the convened Board of State History votes in the affirmative to hold such an emergency meeting.
B. Public notice of the emergency meeting shall be provided as soon as practicable and shall include at a minimum the following:
(i) Written posting of the agenda and notice at the offices of the auditor;
(ii) If members of the Board of State History may appear electronically or telephonically:
C. All such notices shall specify the anchor location for the meeting at which interested persons and members of the public may attend, monitor, and participate in the open portions of the meeting;
D. Notice to the members of the Board of State History shall advise how they may participate telephonically or electronically and be counted as present for all purposes, including the determination of a quorum.
E. Written, electronic or telephonic notice shall be provided to at least one newspaper of general circulation within the state and at least one local media correspondent.
F. If one or more members of the Board of State History appear electronically or telephonically, the procedures governing electronic meetings shall be followed, except for the notice requirements which shall be governed by these provisions.
G. In convening the meeting and voting in the affirmative to hold such an emergency meeting, the Board of State History shall affirmatively state and find what unforeseen circumstances have rendered it necessary for the Board to hold an emergency meeting to consider matters of an emergency or urgent nature such that the ordinary public notice of meetings provisions of Utah Code Section 52-4-202.

Utah Admin. Code R455-15-3