Section R156-67-603 - Alternate Medical Practice(1) A licensed physician and surgeon may engage in alternate medical practices as defined in Subsection R156-67-102(2) and shall not be considered to be engaged in unprofessional conduct on the basis that it is not in accordance with generally accepted professional or ethical standards as unprofessional conduct defined in Subsection 58- 1-501(2)(b), if the licensed physician and surgeon: (a) possesses current generally accepted written documentation, which in the opinion of the board, demonstrates the treatment or therapy has reasonable potential to be of benefit to the patient to whom the therapy or treatment is to be given;(b) possesses the education, training, and experience to competently and safely administer the alternate medical treatment or therapy;(c) has advised the patient with respect to the alternate medical treatment or therapy, in writing, including: (i) that the treatment or therapy is not in accordance with generally recognized standards of the profession;(ii) that on the basis of current generally accepted medical evidence, the physician and surgeon finds that the treatment or therapy presents no greater threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the patient than prevailing generally recognized standard medical practice; and(iii) that the prevailing generally recognized standard medical treatment or therapy for the patient's condition has been offered to be provided, or that the physician and surgeon will refer the patient to another physician and surgeon who can provide the standard medical treatment or therapy; and(d) has obtained from the patient a voluntary informed consent consistent with generally recognized current medical and legal standards for informed consent in the practice of medicine, including: (i) evidence of advice to the patient in accordance with Subsection (c); and(ii) whether the patient elects to receive generally recognized standard treatment or therapy combined with alternate medical treatment or therapy, or elects to receive alternate medical treatment or therapy only.(2) Alternate medical practice includes the practice of homeopathic medicine.Utah Admin. Code R156-67-603