Utah Admin. Code 156-17b-625

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R156-17b-625 - Standards - Reporting and Maintaining Records on the Dispensing of an Opiate Antagonist
(1) In accordance with Subsections 26-55-105(2)(c) and (d), the pharmacist-in-charge or a responsible corporate officer of each pharmacy licensee that dispenses an opiate antagonist pursuant to a valid standing prescription drug order issued by a physician, shall affirm that the pharmacy licensee has complied with the protocol for dispensing an opiate antagonist as set forth in Section 26-55-105, and shall report, on an annual basis, to the division and to the physician who issued the opiate antagonist standing drug order, the following information:
(a) the total number of single doses of opiate antagonists dispensed during the reporting period; and
(b) the name of each opiate antagonist dispensed, along with the total number of single doses of that particular named opiate antagonist.
(2) Corporations or organizations with multiple component pharmacy licenses may submit one cumulative report for all its component pharmacy licensees. However, that report must contain the information described above for each of the component pharmacy licensees.
(3) Null reporting is not required. If a pharmacy licensee does not dispense an opiate antagonist during any year, that pharmacy licensee is not required to make an affirmation or report to the division.
(4) The annual affirmation and report described above is due to the division and to the physician who issued the standing drug order no later than 15 days following December 31 of each calendar year.
(5) In accordance with Subsection 26-55-105(2)(d), a pharmacy licensee who dispenses an opiate antagonist pursuant to a valid standing prescription order issued by a physician, shall maintain, subject to audit, the following information:
(a) the name of the individual to whom the opiate antagonist is dispensed;
(b) the name of the opiate antagonist dispensed;
(c) the quantity of the opiate antagonist dispensed;
(d) the strength of the opiate antagonist dispensed;
(e) the dosage quantity of the opiate antagonist dispensed;
(f) the full name of the drug outlet which dispensed the opiate antagonist;
(g) the date the opiate antagonist was dispensed; and
(h) the name of physician issuing the standing order to dispense the opiate antagonist.
(6) The division approves the protocol for the issuance of a standing prescription drug order for opiate antagonists, which is set forth in Subsection 26-55-105(2)(a) through (d) along with the requirements set forth in the foregoing provisions, and the reporting requirements set forth in Sections R156-67-604 and R156-68-604.

Utah Admin. Code R156-17b-625

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2017-1, effective 12/8/2016