Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R131-9-7 - Capitol Master Plan and Event/Display CriteriaAll recommendations and determinations under this Rule R131-9 must comply with all of the following:
(1) The Capitol Master Plan. The most recent Capitol Master Plan adopted by the Board shall be met. Any reference in the Master Plan to "Curator" shall be deemed to refer to the appropriate reviewing authority.(2) State Interest. The request must benefit the interests of the State of Utah.(3) Preservation or Enhancement. The request must explain how the aesthetics, historical significance, art and architecture of the Capitol Hill Complex will be preserved or enhanced if such request is approved.(4) Community Standards. The Executive Director, Subcommittee, or Board shall make recommendations or decisions based on community standards of morality. No request shall be approved where the content violates community standards or is obscene or proscribed by Title 76, Chapter 10, Section 1203 of the Utah State Criminal Code. If applicable, the Utah Attorney General's Office shall be consulted prior to any such determination.(5) Preferences. Only a limited amount of Short Term Events, Mid Term Events, or Long Term Events (Displays) can be allowed pursuant to this Rule R131-9. The longer the duration of the Event/Display on the Capitol Hill Complex, the stricter the standard of approval will be applied. Documentation establishing compelling reasons for such Event/Display is required with the Application. Preference will be provided to those applications that encompass the following: (a) The history of Utah, including being associated with events, persons or cultures of historical significance, both while as a State and prior periods;(b) The history of the Capitol;(c) The essential natural beauty of the State of Utah;(d) The industry of the State of Utah;(e) Government and civics and/or;(f) Art, artifacts and fabric relating to the Capitol.(6) Other Criteria. Other criteria may be added to those listed in this R131-9-7 as determined by the Board, Subcommittee or Executive Director.Utah Admin. Code R131-9-7