Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R82-10-301 - Public Service Permittee Operating Guidelines(1) Authority. This rule is made pursuant to the implicit authority Title 32B, Chapter 10, Special Use Permit Act, and the explicit authority of section 32B-2-202, which authorizes the Commission to make rules regarding the procedures and criteria for a permittee applicant.(2) A public service permittee that operates on an interstate basis may purchase liquor outside of the state and bring it into the state and purchase liquor within the state and sell, store and serve it to passengers traveling on the permittee's public conveyance for consumption while en route on the conveyance. However, all liquor utilized within a public service permittee's hospitality room must be purchased from a state liquor store or package agency within this state.(3) All liquor transported from outside the state to the permittee's storage facility shall be carried in sealed conveyances which may be inspected at any time by the Department.(4) A public service permittee shall keep available and open for audit during regular business hours, complete and accurate records of alcoholic product shipments to and from their storage facility. Records shall be kept for a minimum of three years.(5) A public service permittee shall allow the Department, through its auditors or examiners, to audit all records relating to the storage, sale, consumption and transportation of alcoholic products by the permittee.(6) All public service permittees which utilize a hospitality room shall display in a prominent place a "warning sign," as defined in R82-1-102.Utah Admin. Code R82-10-301
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-05, effective 2/25/2020