Utah Admin. Code 66-2-6

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R66-2-6 - Cannabis Extraction Requirements
(1) A cannabis processing facility shall ensure hydrocarbons n-butane, isobutane, propane, or heptane are of at least 99% purity.
(2) A cannabis processing facility shall use a professional grade extraction system designed to recover the solvents, work in an environment with proper ventilation, and control each source of ignition where a flammable atmosphere is or may be present.
(3) A cannabis processing facility using carbon dioxide (CO2) gas extraction system shall use a professional grade closed loop CO2 gas extraction system where each vessel is rated to a minimum of six hundred pounds per square inch and CO2 shall be at least 99% purity.
(4) Closed loop hydrocarbon, alcohol, or CO2 extraction systems shall be commercially manufactured and bear a permanently affixed and visible serial number.
(5) A cannabis processing facility using a closed loop system shall, upon request, provide the department with certification from a licensed engineer stating the system is:
(a) safe for its intended use;
(b) commercially manufactured; and
(c) built to conform to recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices, such as:
(i) the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME);
(ii) American National Standards Institute (ANSI);
(iii) Underwriters Laboratories; or
(iv) The American Society for Testing and Materials.
(6) The certification document shall contain the signature and stamp of the certifying professional engineer and the serial number of the extraction unit being certified.
(7) A cannabis processing facility may use an alternative extraction method with prior approval from the department.
(8) A cannabis processing facility shall use food grade ingredients to create cannabis derivative product.
(9) A cannabis processing facility may use heat, screens, presses, steam distillation, ice water, and other mechanical methods which do not use solvents or gasses.
(10) A cannabis processing facility shall ensure each solvent, with the exception of CO2, is extracted in a manner to recapture the solvent and ensure that it is not vented into the atmosphere.
(11) A cannabis processing facility agent using solvents or gasses in a closed loop system shall be fully trained in the use of the system and have direct access to applicable material safety data sheets.
(12) Parts per million for one gram of finished extract cannot exceed residual solvent or gas levels provided in Rule R68-29.

Utah Admin. Code R66-2-6

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-10, effective 5/13/2024