An equity loan may not be closed before the 12th calendar day after the later of the date that the owner submits an application for the loan to the lender or the date that the lender provides the owner a copy of the required consumer disclosure. One copy of the required consumer disclosure may be provided to married owners. For purposes of determining the earliest permitted closing date, the next succeeding calendar day after the later of the date that the owner submits an application for the loan to the lender or the date that the lender provides the owner a copy of the required consumer disclosure is the first day of the 12-day waiting period. The equity loan may be closed at any time on or after the 12th calendar day after the later of the date that the owner submits an application for the loan to the lender or the date that the lender provides the owner a copy of the required consumer disclosure.
7 Tex. Admin. Code § 153.12