7 Tex. Admin. Code § 97.401

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 97.401 - General Requirements
(a) Definition. For purposes of this rule, the term "advisory committee" means a committee, council, board, task force, or other entity with multiple members established to provide advice and counsel to the commission.
(b) Creation. The commission may establish advisory committees to advise the commission on issues within the jurisdiction of the department.
(c) Function. Unless otherwise provided by law, an advisory committee's responsibility is limited to those matters about which advice or counsel is sought. An advisory committee will have no authority to make rules or establish department policy.
(d) Expiration of advisory committee. Unless expressly provided in this subchapter or other law, an advisory committee will expire on the fourth anniversary of the date of its creation. The date of creation shall be the effective date of the rule establishing the advisory committee.
(e) Membership and Quorum. The chairman may appoint a maximum of 24 individuals to serve on an advisory committee. A majority of those individuals shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise provided by specific statute, the appointments shall be balanced to ensure representation of credit unions regulated by the department and consumers of services provided by those credit unions. Each advisory committee shall include at least one department employee as an ex officio member. This employee shall not be considered a committee member for purposes of establishing the maximum number of members or for purposes of determining a quorum.
(f) Term of members. Unless expressly provided in this subchapter or other law, each member of an agency advisory committee will serve a term of four years. The terms may be staggered. Members' terms will expire at the end of four years or upon the termination of the advisory committee, whichever is earlier. Members may be reappointed. Members serve at the will of the chairman and may be removed at any time by the chairman.
(g) Presiding officer. The presiding officer of each advisory committee shall be selected by the members of the advisory committee from its membership. The chairman may make a recommendation to the advisory committee regarding the presiding officer.
(h) Meetings. Meetings shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 551 of the Government Code. Each committee shall meet at least annually, but may meet as often as necessary. The department ex officio member of each advisory committee shall work with the presiding officer to schedule advisory committee meetings and provide adequate notice to department staff and to other members.
(i) Reports. On or before October 1 of each year, each advisory committee shall submit a report to the commission. Upon receipt of the report, the commission shall evaluate the advisory committee's work, usefulness, and costs related to the committee's existence, including the cost of department staff time spent in support of the committee's activities. Each report shall include the following:
(1) a summary or minutes of meetings conducted during the previous fiscal year (September 1 - August 31);
(2) a summary of recommendations from the advisory committee; and
(3) other information determined by the advisory committee or the chairman to be appropriate and useful.
(j) Expenses. Members of each advisory committee will serve without compensation or reimbursement for travel or other out-of-pocket expenses.
(k) Rules. For each advisory committee appointed, the commission shall adopt rules that address the purpose of the advisory committee and membership qualifications, including experience requirements, geographic representation, and training requirements. Such rules may also address the terms of service, operating procedures, and other standards to ensure the effectiveness of an advisory committee appointed under this subchapter.

7 Tex. Admin. Code § 97.401

The provisions of this §97.401 adopted to be effective March 14, 2010, 35 TexReg 1980