40 Tex. Admin. Code § 815.27

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 815.27 - Provisions Applicable to Extended Benefits
(a) Except where the result would be inconsistent with the purpose of the provisions for extended benefits in the Act, the terms and conditions of the Act and the rules in this chapter, which apply to claims for, and payment of, regular benefits shall apply to claims for, and payment of extended benefits, including, but not limited to:
(1) claim filing, claimant reporting, and registration for work;
(2) information to claimants;
(3) notices to claimants and to employers, as appropriate, including notice to claimants as to the amount and duration of extended benefits for which they qualify;
(4) determinations, redeterminations, appeals, and reviews;
(5) the week for which benefits are paid;
(6) ability to work, availability for work, and search for work; and
(7) disqualifications, except for the provisions of the Act, Chapter 209, Subchapter C, concerning failure to accept any offer of suitable work or failure to apply for any suitable work when so directed by the Agency.
(b) Provisions of the Act which are not applicable to payment of extended benefits are those relating to:
(1) the waiting period;
(2) monetary qualifying requirements; and
(3) computation of weekly and total regular benefits.

40 Tex. Admin. Code § 815.27

The provisions of this §815.27 adopted to be effective November 6, 2000, 25 TexReg 11093