40 Tex. Admin. Code § 800.68

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 800.68 - Adult Education and Literacy
(a) AEL funds available to the Commission to provide services under the federal Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), WIOA Title II, together with associated state general revenue matching funds and federal TANF funds--together with any state general revenue funds appropriated as TANF maintenance-of-effort--will be used by the Commission, as set forth in subsections (b) - (d) of this section. Prior to any grant recipient receiving notice of an award, the Commission shall review and approve the award of grant funds to be issued under this program. The Commission shall give priority in awarding funds to entities that consistently satisfy annual performance requirements comparable to subsection (e) of this section.
(b) At least 82.5 percent of the federal funds constituting the total state award of AEFLA state grants--including amounts allotted to the eligible agency having a state plan, as provided by AEFLA §211(c) --will be allocated by the Commission to the workforce areas. From the amount allotted to the eligible agency having a state plan, as provided by AEFLA §211(c), the Commission will allocate amounts to the workforce areas according to the established federal formula, as follows:
(1) 100 percent will be based on:
(A) the relative proportion of individuals residing within each workforce area who are at least 18 years of age, do not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and are not enrolled in secondary school, during the most recent period for which statistics are available;
(B) an equal base amount; and
(C) the application of a hold-harmless/stop-gain procedure.
(2) No more than 5 percent of the funds expended as part of this workforce area allocation shall be used for administrative costs, as defined by AEFLA, provided, however, that the Special Rule outlined in AEFLA §233(b) shall apply with effective justification, as appropriate.
(3) No more than 10 percent of this allocation shall be available for expenditure within each workforce area on the basis of the achievement of performance benchmarks, as set forth in subsection (e) of this section.
(c) At least 80 percent of the state general revenue matching funds associated with the allotment of federal funds to the eligible agency having a state plan, as provided by AEFLA §211(c), will be allocated by the Commission to the workforce areas according to the established federal formula, as follows:
(1) 100 percent will be based on:
(A) the relative proportion of individuals residing within each workforce area who are at least 18 years of age, do not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and are not enrolled in secondary school, during the most recent period for which statistics are available;
(B) an equal base amount; and
(C) the application of a hold-harmless/stop-gain procedure.
(2) No more than 15 percent of the funds expended as part of this workforce area allocation shall be used for administrative costs, as defined by Commission policy.
(3) No more than 10 percent of this allocation shall be available for expenditure within each workforce area on the basis of the achievement of performance benchmarks, as set forth in subsection (e) of this section.
(d) At least 80 percent of federal TANF funds associated with the AEL program--together with any state general revenue funds appropriated as TANF maintenance-of-effort--will be allocated by the Commission to the workforce areas according to a need-based formula, as follows:
(1) 100 percent will be based on:
(A) the relative proportion of the unduplicated number of TANF adult recipients with educational attainment of less than a secondary diploma during the most recently completed calendar year;
(B) an equal base amount; and
(C) the application of a hold-harmless/stop-gain procedure.
(2) No more than 15 percent of the funds expended as part of this workforce area allocation shall be used for administrative costs, as defined by federal regulations and Commission policy.
(3) No more than 10 percent of this allocation shall be available for expenditure within each workforce area on the basis of the achievement of performance benchmarks, as set forth in subsection (e) of this section.
(e) AEL performance accountability benchmarks shall be established to coincide with performance measures and reports, or other periods, as determined by the Commission. Levels of performance shall, at a minimum, be expressed in an objective, quantifiable, and measurable form, and show continuous improvement.
(f) Performance accountability benchmarks shall:
(1) include measures for high school equivalency program or ability-to-benefit program enrollment and achievement, as outlined in paragraph (2) of this subsection. A postsecondary ability-to-benefit program, as outlined in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, is a postsecondary education or training program that:
(A) results in a recognized postsecondary credential; and
(B) enrolls AEL eligible participants who:
(i) do not have a high school diploma or recognized equivalency;
(ii) qualify for federal student financial aid eligibility under the federal Ability-to-Benefit provisions enacted in §484(d) of the Higher Education Act of 1965; and
(iii) demonstrate on an assessment instrument that the participant can pass college-level courses with some support;
(2) include measures that require:
(A) at least 25 percent of all participants served in the program year to be enrolled in a high school equivalency or postsecondary ability-to-benefit program; and
(B) at least 70 percent of participants who were in a high school equivalency or postsecondary ability-to-benefit program during the program year and exited during the program year to achieve either a high school equivalency or a recognized postsecondary credential; and
(3) be approved by the Commission each program year for milestones toward meeting high school equivalency program or postsecondary ability-to-benefit program enrollment and achievement as outlined in paragraph (2) of this subsection.

40 Tex. Admin. Code § 800.68

The provisions of this §800.68 adopted to be effective February 24, 2014, 39 TexReg 1195; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 41, Number 29, July 15, 2016, TexReg 5230, eff. 7/20/2016; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 45, Number 51, December 18, 2020, TexReg 9244, eff. 12/21/2020; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 49, Number 08, February 23, 2024, TexReg 1101, eff. 2/26/2024