Current through Reg. 49, No. 49; December 6, 2024
Section 700.1755 - What is the Reimbursement Methodology for Supervised Independent Living?(a) Payment rate determination. Payment rates for the Supervised Independent Living Program, and if applicable to the young adult an additional rate for Enhanced Case Management services under § 700.348 of this title (relating to Enhanced Case Management Services in a Supervised Independent Living Setting), are developed based on rates determined for other programs that provide similar services. If payment rates are not available from other programs that provide similar services, payment rates are determined using a modeled pro forma approach in accordance with §355.105(h) of Title 1 (relating to General Reporting and Documentation Requirements, Methods, and Procedures). A pro forma analysis makes assumptions about the types of staff and service requirements and estimates the basic types and costs of salaries, products, and services necessary to deliver services that meet federal and state requirements.(b) Providers of 24-hour residential child care services will have the opportunity to discuss rate changes in regularly scheduled DFPS public meetings.40 Tex. Admin. Code § 700.1755
The provisions of this §700.1755 adopted to be effective December 1, 2011, 36 TexReg 7859; Transferred from 355.7105 Texas Register, Volume 42, Number 44, November 3, 2017, TexReg 6201, eff. 11/15/2017; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 45, Number 49, December 4, 2020, TexReg 8781, eff. 12/9/2020