All poultry offered for public sale or trade at markets such as trade days, flea markets, auctions, or any other public sale must originate from pullorum-typhoid clean flocks or hatcheries. The seller must furnish proof of the source of poultry or hatching eggs offered for public sale. The owner or management of any market or public sale shall prevent the sale, trade, or offer for sale of any bird that is not properly qualified under the Texas Pullorum-Typhoid Program. Failure to enforce this requirement may result in the issuing of an order prohibiting any further sale of poultry on the grounds. All birds from states other than Texas must be accompanied by a health certificate from the state of origin, including a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 30 days of the sale. All poultry not properly identified and qualified as pullorum-typhoid clean is prohibited from sale and must be returned to the owner or dealer's premises.
4 Tex. Admin. Code § 162.10