- Section 435.1 - Protective Clothing
- Section 435.3 - Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
- Section 435.5 - Commission Recommendations
- Section 435.7 - Implementation of Mandatory NFPA Standards
- Section 435.9 - Personal Alert Safety System (PASS)
- Section 435.11 - Incident Management System (IMS)
- Section 435.13 - Personnel Accountability System
- Section 435.15 - Operating At Emergency Incidents
- Section 435.17 - Procedures for Interior Structural Fire Fighting (2-In/2-Out Rule)
- Section 435.19 - Enforcement of Commission Rules
- Section 435.21 - Fire Service Joint Labor Management Wellness-Fitness Initiative
- Section 435.23 - Fire Protection Personnel Injuries
- Section 435.25 - Courage to be Safe So Everyone Goes Home Program
- Section 435.27 - Live Fire Training Structure Evolutions
- Section 435.29 - Federal Highway Administration Traffic Incident Management Program
- Section 435.31 - Firefighter Cancer Support Network Cancer Awareness Training Program