The purpose of the advisory committee shall be to give the department's employees the benefit of the members' collective business, environmental, and technical expertise and experience with respect to the department's rules relating to the operation of the vehicle inspection program and make recommendations relating to the content of rules involving the operation of the vehicle inspection program. Recommendations and advice of the committee are not binding on the department. The committee will have no supervision or control over public business or policy. The advisory committee's sole duty is to advise the department on the state's vehicle inspection program. This advice shall consist of review and comment on rules considered for adoption under Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 548 and Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 382. The Vehicle Inspection Advisory Committee has no executive or administrative powers or duties with respect to the operation of the department, and all such powers and duties rest solely with the department. Any other specific purposes and tasks of the advisory committee shall be identified by the director.
37 Tex. Admin. Code § 23.71