37 Tex. Admin. Code § 1.11

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 1.11 - Basic Doctrines
(a) The department of public safety accepts its responsibilities as a public trust. It is our policy to discharge with dispatch any responsibility to the fullest extent with maximum benefit for the public.
(b) It is the policy of the department to afford maximum courtesy, service, and protection to all citizens and visitors in this state.
(c) The department recognizes that government exists for the benefit of the governed-the people. Enforcement and regulatory actions against persons are carried out for the benefit of society as a whole. The department does not act to adjudicate or rectify injustices, inequities, or wrongs between individuals, but acts only to maintain order for the preservation and protection of society as a whole.
(d) It is a solemn obligation of members of the department to uphold the constitutions of the United States and the State of Texas as well as to enforce the statutory enactments. Constitutional provisions take precedence over statutory enactments. In the enforcement of the provisions of a statute, personnel of the department of public safety will refrain from infringing upon any rights or privileges guaranteed by the constitutions.
(e) The department recognizes that the basic responsibility for the enforcement of the criminal laws rests with the local officers in their respective jurisdictions. It is the policy of the department to cooperate with and assist local officers fully in these matters but to leave the basic responsibility to them unless specifically assigned to do otherwise.
(f) It is the policy of the department to assume primary responsibility for traffic supervision on the rural highways of this state, including the regulation of commercial traffic.
(g) The department will cooperate with all governmental agencies discharging statutory duties when assistance complies with state law and departmental policies and regulations.
(h) It is the policy of the department to assign available manpower in any field service to the areas of the state in proportion to the amount of the statewide problem of that service existing in any particular area so that the department may, as nearly as practicable, render to all citizens their equitable share of the service available.

37 Tex. Admin. Code § 1.11

The provisions of this §1.11 adopted to be effective January 1, 1976; amended to be effective December 30, 2002, 27 TexReg 12372