34 Tex. Admin. Code § 9.4310

Current through Reg. 49, No. 25; June 21, 2024
Section 9.4310 - Study and Audit Documents
(a) The documents created, obtained, and utilized by the division in conducting the study or performing the audit, as applicable, are considered the initial evidence in a protest of the comptroller's findings under Government Code, § 403.302(g) or (h). Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, all such documents are deemed admissible evidence for purposes of any hearing referred to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) under this subchapter.
(b) Any documents created, obtained, and utilized by the division in conducting the study or performing the audit, as applicable, that are not made available in response to a proper request in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act are deemed, as to the division, inadmissible for purposes of any hearing referred to SOAH under this subchapter. This subsection does not restrict a petitioner's right to file such documents in support of a ground of objection as provided under this subchapter. If a petitioner does elect to file such documents, the documents will be deemed admissible evidence on each ground of protest in support of which the documents are filed for purposes of any hearing referred to SOAH under this subchapter.
(c) Any claim by a petitioner that documents created, obtained, or utilized by the division in conducting the study or performing the audit, as applicable, were not made available in response to a proper request in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act shall be made by written notice to the division director within seven calendar days of delivery by the division of such documents pursuant to § 9.4311(c) of this title (relating to Prehearing Exchange and Informal Conference). Petitioner's notice must include a copy of petitioner's request for documents, any response received from the division (although such response(s) need not include copies of the documents produced therewith), and identification of the specific documents petitioner claims were not made available. If petitioner fails to timely provide such written notice to the division director, the claim shall be deemed waived for purposes of the protest.
(d) After receipt of timely written notice under subsection (c) of this section and consideration of petitioner's claim, the division director shall deliver to petitioner written notice as to whether or not the documents at issue will be withdrawn as evidence. If the documents at issue are not withdrawn as evidence, the matter will be determined at the SOAH hearing, if any, on the ground of protest at issue. The division director's notice will include all documentary evidence that the division will introduce and identification of all witnesses who may testify at the time of the SOAH hearing, if any, relating to petitioner's claim under subsection (c) of this section. The petitioner shall, within five calendar days of delivery of the division director's notice, deliver to the division director all documentary evidence that the petitioner will introduce and identification of all witnesses who may testify at the time of the hearing, if any, relating to petitioner's claim under subsection (c) of this section. At any SOAH hearing on petitioner's claim, both parties shall be limited to the documentary evidence delivered and witnesses disclosed under this subsection.
(e) SOAH shall have jurisdiction to determine a petitioner's claim asserted under subsection (c) of this section only if the ground of protest for which the documents at issue were submitted is referred to SOAH as otherwise provided under this subchapter. The Administrative Law Judge's (ALJ's) determination shall be limited to whether or not the documents at issue are admissible.

34 Tex. Admin. Code § 9.4310

The provisions of this §9.4310 adopted to be effective January 26, 2011, 36 TexReg 268