Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 155.22 - General Limitations; Exchange of Lands; Notice of Lands Used by a District(a) The State of Texas will retain its rights in all mines and minerals, including oil, gas, and geothermal resources, in and under the land, together with the right to enter the land for the purpose of development when it leases land under these rules.(b) All leases of land under these rules are subject to oil, gas, or mineral leases in existence at the time of the lease to the district.(c) Any land which has been franchised or leased or is being used by any navigation district or by the United States for the purpose of navigation, industry, or other purpose incident to the operation of a port will not be entered or possessed by the State of Texas or by anyone claiming under the State of Texas for the purpose of exploring for oil, gas, or other minerals except by directional drilling. No easement, lease, or permit may be granted on land which has been leased to a navigation district which will interfere with the proposed use of the land by the navigation district, and the prior approval of the navigation district will be obtained for such purpose.(d) No surface drilling location may be nearer than 660 feet and special permission from the commissioner of the General Land Office is necessary to make any surface location nearer than 2,160 feet, measured at right angles from the nearest bulkhead line designated by a navigation district or the United States as the bulkhead line or from the nearest dredged bottom edge of any channel, slip, or turning basin which has been dredged, or which has been authorized by the United States as a federal project for future construction, whichever is nearer.(e) In the event land is leased to a navigation district for construction of a navigation project, the board may in the lease designate the district to be the agent of the State of Texas with authority to grant to the United States of America such easements for dredging and disposal of dredged material as may be required for federal participation in the project. In designating the district to be the agent of the State of Texas for the purpose of granting spoil easements, the board may include a requirement that the district obtain the approval of the board before granting any such easement. Such approval may be given in the form of accepting a master plan for spoil disposal.(f) Districts which, prior to the enactment of Senate Bill 274, Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., had obtained patents to state-owned lands or flats under Texas Civil Statutes, Article 8225, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, or under any general or special act, and which still claim title to any such lands or flats, may not hereafter dispose of any such lands or flats which were conveyed to them by the State of Texas and may not lease such lands or flats for a use which is not reasonably related to the promotion of navigation as defined in § 155.1(a) of this title (relating to General Provisions). In the event a district possesses lands it finds to be in excess of its needs, it may sell such surplus lands or flats back to the State of Texas for the same consideration as originally paid to the state or exchange them for other lands with the State of Texas. The limitation on resale of lands or flats acquired from the State of Texas will not prevent a district from exchanging such lands or flats for land, or rights in land, of an adjacent littoral owner for the purpose of adjusting or straightening the boundary between such lands. All such exchanges made after December 31, 1973, are subject to the approval of the board.(g) Any district, which prior to January 1, 1974, has exchanged lands or flats for land, or rights in land, of an adjacent littoral owner for the purpose of adjusting or straightening the boundary between such lands as provided in § 155.2(f) of this title (relating to Leases), shall notify the board by filing with the board a copy of the instrument authorizing such, and a survey plat and field notes sufficiently detailing the nature of the land exchange by January 1, l977.(h) Any district which desires to undertake a land exchange for any purpose will submit in writing to the board the reason for the proposed exchange and a survey plat and field notes of the land involved in the exchange. The board may require the district to comply with the provisions of § 155.1 of this title (relating to General Provisions) if it is determined by the board that such exchange will result in a significant effect on the environment.(i) Any district which, prior to May 27, 1975, has maintained, and which as of May 27, 1975, is maintaining any channel, dredged material disposal site, or other navigational aid or improvement on state-owned lands to which the district holds no patent or lease from the state will notify the General Land Office of the boundaries of such submerged land used by furnishing a map or other drawing acceptable to the General Land Office. The board may require a lease for the continued use of such lands as provided in § 155.1 of this title (relating to General Provisions).31 Tex. Admin. Code § 155.22
The provisions of this §155.22 adopted to be effective January 1, 1976.