Section 57.1012 - Rules of Conduct(a) General. (1) This section applies to all CMAs unless an exception for a specific area and time period is designated by the executive director or by written permission of the department.(2) The provisions of this section do not apply to persons authorized by the department to conduct research on the area and department employees in performance of their duties.(3) It is an offense for any person to fail to obey regulations posted at the area or policies established by order of the executive director, fail to comply with instructions on permits or area leaflets, or refuse to follow directives given by departmental personnel in the discharge of official duties.(b) Abandoned and unattended property. It is an offense for any person to:(1) abandon a vehicle or other personal property;(2) leave a vehicle, boat, barge, or other property unattended in such a manner as to create a hazardous or unsafe condition; or(3) leave property unattended for longer than 24 consecutive hours.(c) Alcoholic beverages. It is an offense for any person to publicly consume or display an alcoholic beverage.(d) Animals and pets. It is an offense for any person to:(1) possess dogs in camp that are not confined or leashed; or(2) allow vicious or dangerous dogs to create a disturbance or hazard.(e) Arms and Firearms. It is an offense for any person to display or discharge an arm or firearm, except while: (1) hunting migratory game birds under the provisions of this subchapter;(2) fishing by means of lawful archery equipment; or(3) the person is licensed to possess and carry a handgun under Government Code, Chapter 411, Subchapter H, and is in possession of and carrying the handgun in compliance with applicable law, including, but not limited to, applicable regulations adopted pursuant to Government Code, Chapter 411, Subchapter H; or(4) the person carries a handgun in a holster in compliance with Penal Code, Chapter 46.(f) Camping. It is an offense for any person to:(1) camp for more than 14 consecutive days on a CMA where overnight camping is allowed, or for more than 21 days in any 30-day period; or(2) establish a camp and leave it unattended for a period of longer than 24 hours.(g) Fires. Fires are permitted and visitors may bring firewood or collect deadwood or driftwood for fires; however, it is unlawful for any person to:(1) fell or cut any living vegetation for firewood; or(2) leave a fire unattended.(h) Fireworks are prohibited.(i) Fishing. Fishing is allowed under the provisions of Subchapter N of this chapter (relating to Statewide Recreational and Commercial Fishing Proclamation).(j) Graffiti and Vandalism. It is an offense for any person to write on, scratch, or otherwise deface natural features, signs, buildings, or other structures.(k) Hunting. (1) No person may hunt any wildlife resource other than migratory game birds.(2) The hunting, taking, and possession of migratory game birds shall be as provided by Chapter 65, Subchapter N of this title (relating to Migratory Game Bird Proclamation).(3) It is an offense for any person to hunt migratory game birds without possessing a valid Annual Public Permit.(l) Motor Vehicles and Off-Road Vehicles. It is an offense for any person to: (1) operate a motor vehicle anywhere other than designated roads, parking areas, or other areas designated as open for motor vehicle use; or(2) operate an off-road vehicle anywhere other than in an area designated as open for off-road vehicle use.(m) Airboats. The use of airboats is prohibited on CMAs.(n) Natural and Cultural Resources. This paragraph does not apply to incidental or unintentional disturbance occurring as result of normal visitation activities. (1) Plant life. It is an offense for any person to willfully mutilate, injure, destroy, pick, cut, remove, or introduce any plant life except by permit issued by the director.(2) Geological features. It is an offense for any person to intentionally or negligently take, remove, destroy, deface, tamper with, or disturb any rock, earth, soil, gem, mineral, fossil, or other geological deposit except by permit issued by the director.(3) Cultural resources. It is an offense for any person to take, remove, destroy, deface, tamper with, disturb, or otherwise adversely impact any prehistoric or historic resource, including, but not limited to, buildings, structures, cultural features, rock art, or artifacts, except by written order of the director.(4) Wildlife. It is an offense for any person to:(A) harm, harass, disturb, trap, confine, catch, possess, or remove any wildlife, or portions of wildlife, except as provided in subsection (k) of this section or authorized in writing by the department;(B) release or introduce any species of animal life (including to waters within or bordering a CMA), except as authorized by the Parks and Wildlife Code and written order of the director or designee; or(C) feed or offer food to any wildlife, or to leave food unsecured in a manner that makes the food available to wildlife, unless specifically authorized by the department.(o) Wastewater, Sewage, and Garbage. It is an offense for any person to: (1) deposit waste water, sewage, or effluent from sinks, toilets, or other plumbing fixtures directly on the ground or into the water; or(2) dispose of garbage except in a receptacle provided for that use or as may otherwise be specifically authorized by department personnel.31 Tex. Admin. Code § 57.1012
Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 42, Number 50, December 15, 2017, TexReg 7167, eff. 12/17/2017; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 47, Number 18, May 6, 2022, TexReg 2771, eff. 5/10/2022