31 Tex. Admin. Code § 355.90

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 355.90 - Applicability and Definitions
(a) This subchapter applies to grant funds for the development and revision of regional water plans.
(b) The following words and acronyms, used in this subchapter, have the following meanings:
(1) Board--The Texas Water Development Board.
(2) Commission--The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
(3) Eligible applicant--A political subdivision designated by the regional water planning group and authorized to receive funds for developing or revising regional water plans.
(4) Executive administrator (EA)--The executive administrator of the Board or a designated representative.
(5) Political subdivision--A city, county, district or authority created under the Texas Constitution, Article III, §52, or Article XVI, §59, any other political subdivision of the state, any interstate compact commission to which the state is a party, and any nonprofit water supply corporation created and operating under Texas Water Code Chapter 67 (relating to Nonprofit Water Supply or Sewer Service Corporations).
(6) Regional water plan--A plan or an amendment to an adopted regional water plan developed by a regional water planning group for a regional water planning area pursuant to the Texas Water Code § 16.053 (relating to Regional Water Plans).
(7) Regional water planning area--A geographical area designated and defined by the Board pursuant to the Texas Water Code § 16.053.
(8) Regional water planning group (RWPG)--A group designated by the Board that develops a regional water plan, pursuant to the Texas Water Code § 16.053.
(9) State environmental planning criteria--Criteria adopted by the Board for inclusion in the state water plan; the criteria are developed through coordination with the Commission and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and are used for evaluating the feasibility of water management strategies in a regional water plan when the RWPG lacks information from site specific studies. The environmental planning criteria are listed in Chapter 357 of this title (relating to Regional Water Planning) and also include the Commission's environmental flows standards at 30 TAC Chapter 298 (relating to Environmental Flow Standards for Surface Water).
(10) State population and demand projections--Population and water demand projections contained in the state water plan or adopted by the Board after consultation with the Commission, the Texas Department of Agriculture, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and RWPGs in preparation for revision of the state water plan.
(11) State water plan--The most recent state water plan adopted by the Board under the Texas Water Code § 16.051 (relating to State Water Plan).

31 Tex. Admin. Code § 355.90

The provisions of this §355.90 adopted to be effective August 12, 2012, 37 TexReg 5795