30 Tex. Admin. Code § 70.4

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 70.4 - Enforcement Action Using Information Provided by Private Individual
(a) A private individual with information demonstrating possible violations of law within the commission's jurisdiction should notify the executive director (ED). The ED may initiate an administrative enforcement action, or he/she may refer to the appropriate prosecuting authority a civil or criminal enforcement action.
(b) The ED may initiate an enforcement action based on information received from a private individual if that information, in the ED's judgment, is of sufficient value and credibility to warrant the initiation of an enforcement action. The ED may initiate an enforcement action based on any combination of information provided by private individuals or by the ED's own investigations.
(c) In evaluating the value and credibility of information provided by a private individual and determining the use of such information as evidence in an enforcement action, the ED shall consider the following criteria:
(1) the individual providing the information must be willing to submit a sworn affidavit attesting to the facts that constitute the alleged violation and authenticating any writings, recordings, or photographs provided by the individual;
(2) the individual providing the information must be willing to testify in any enforcement proceedings regarding the alleged violations;
(3) if the ED relies on any physical or sampling data submitted by an individual to prove one or more elements of an enforcement case, such data must have been collected or gathered in accordance with relevant agency protocols. The individual submitting the physical or sampling data must be willing to submit a sworn affidavit demonstrating that the individual followed relevant agency protocols when collecting the data. The relevant agency protocols are those used or determined acceptable by the ED; and
(4) the commission will not use in an enforcement case information gathered by an individual illegally.
(d) A private individual who submits information on which the ED relies for all or part of an enforcement case may be called to testify in the enforcement proceedings and is subject to all sanctions under law for knowingly falsifying evidence.
(e) If the ED determines not to initiate an enforcement action based on information received from a private individual in accordance with this section, the ED will process the information received from the individual as a complaint, subject to applicable complaint investigation procedures. The ED may ultimately initiate an enforcement action that is based on information the ED develops during the complaint investigation.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 70.4

The provisions of this §70.4 adopted to be effective December 11, 2001, 26 TexReg 10060