Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 39.510 - Notice Requirements for Inactive Municipal Solid Waste Permit(a) This section applies to the owners or operators of inactive permitted municipal solid waste (MSW) facilities, which are those facilities that have not accepted waste within two years of permit issuance or have ceased accepting waste for at least two consecutive years. For the purposes of this section, permit issuance means the date that a permit is issued by the commission or the date of a final, non-appealable decision regarding the permit. This section applies to facilities permitted before, on, or after the effective date of this rule. (1) Within two years of the date of permit issuance, the date of ceasing to accept waste, or the effective date of this rule, whichever is later, the owner or operator of an inactive MSW facility shall notify the executive director, in writing, that the facility is inactive and that the owner or operator intends to operate the facility in the future. In the event that the owner or operator does not intend to operate the facility, the owner or operator should begin voluntary permit revocation procedures.(2) Within two years of the date of permit issuance, the date of ceasing to accept waste, or the effective date of this rule, whichever is later, the owner or operator of an inactive permitted MSW facility shall publish notice of intent to operate the facility, at least once, in a newspaper of the largest circulation that is published in the county in which the facility is located or proposed to be located. If a newspaper is not published in the county, then the owner or operator shall publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the facility is located or proposed to be located, and such notice may be satisfied by a one-time publication if the publishing newspaper meets the circulation requirements. Thereafter, notice must be published annually in accordance with this paragraph, until the facility begins accepting waste or voluntary permit revocation is requested.(3) Within two years of the date of permit issuance, the date of ceasing to accept waste, or the effective date of this rule, whichever is later, the owner or operator of an inactive permitted MSW facility shall provide, by certified mail, the notice of intent to operate the facility to: (A) landowners within 500 feet of the facility property line, as determined by county tax rolls or other reliable sources;(B) the mayor and health authorities of the city or town in which territorial limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction the facility is located or proposed to be located;(C) the county judge and health authorities of the county in which the facility is located or proposed to be located; and(D) the council of governments that serves or covers the area or county in which the facility is located or proposed to be located. Thereafter, notice must be sent annually in accordance with this paragraph, until the facility begins accepting waste.(4) The owner or operator shall file an affidavit with the executive director certifying facts that constitute compliance with the notice requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection within 30 days of the last publication of the published notice required by paragraph (2) of this subsection. The owner or operator shall also file a copy of the published notice required by paragraph (2) of this subsection with the executive director that shows the date of publication and the name of the newspaper within ten business days after its publication. The deadline to file a copy of the published notice that shows the date of publication and the name of the newspaper is ten business days after the last date of publication. The deadline to file the affidavit is 30 calendar days after the last date of publication for each notice. Filing an affidavit certifying facts that constitute compliance with the public notice requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection creates a rebuttable presumption of compliance with the requirement to publish notice.(5) The text of the newspaper notice and the mailed notice must include:(A) the name and address of the agency and the telephone number of an agency contact from whom interested persons may obtain further information;(B) the name, address, and telephone number of the owner or operator and a contact person from whom interested persons may obtain further information and, if different, the location of the facility or activity to be regulated by the permit;(C) a brief description of the activity authorized by the permit;(D) the permit number and permit issuance date; and(E) a statement indicating that the permitted facility may begin construction or operation at a future time, and an estimated date of when the facility is expected to begin construction and operation.(b) Within six months of the date of permit issuance, the date of ceasing to accept waste, or the effective date of this rule, whichever is later, the owners or operators of permitted MSW facilities that are not receiving waste shall provide signs specifying the facility's status. At the owner's or operator's expense, a sign or signs must be placed at the site of the permitted facility declaring that the permit has been issued and stating the manner in which the commission and owner or operator may be contacted for further information. Such signs must be provided by the owner or operator and must substantially meet the following requirements. Signs must: (1) consist of dark lettering on a white background and must be no smaller than four feet by four feet with letters at least three inches in height and block printed capital lettering;(2) be headed by the words "AUTHORIZED MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY";(3) include the words "PERMIT NO.", the number of the permit, and the type of permit;(4) include the words "for further information contact";(5) include the words "Texas Commission on Environmental Quality" and the address and telephone number of the appropriate commission regional office;(6) include the name of the owner or operator, and the address of the appropriate responsible official;(7) include the telephone number of the owner or operator;(8) include the expected start-up date for beginning operation; and(9) remain in place and legible until the facility is opened. The owner or operator shall provide a verification to the executive director that the sign posting was conducted according to the requirements of this section.(c) Each sign placed at the site must be located within ten feet of every property line bordering a public highway, street, or road. Signs must be visible from the street and spaced at not more than 1,500-foot intervals. A minimum of one sign, but no more than three signs, shall be required along any property line paralleling a public highway, street, or road. This section's sign requirements do not apply to properties under the same ownership that are noncontiguous or separated by intervening public highway, street, or road, unless the property is part of the permitted facility.(d) The executive director may approve variances from the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of this section if the owner or operator has demonstrated that it is not practical to comply with the specific requirements of this subsection and alternative sign posting plans proposed by the applicant are at least as effective in providing notice to the public. Approval from the executive director under this subsection must be received before posting alternative signs for purposes of satisfying the requirements of this section.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 39.510
The provisions of this §39.510 adopted to be effective June 2, 2005, 30 TexReg 3102